I thrive under pressure.

Balor Club is for everyone.

I'm normally a really humble guy.

I don't do well in social environments.

I always wanted to have sort of an alter ego.

Johnny Saint is someone who I studied as a kid.

You can only get better by challenging yourself.

I've always got a couple of tricks up my sleeve.

I'm a big fan of seeing smaller guys vs. big men.

I try and look at the positives in every situation.

I have no intentions of getting in a UFC cage at all!

Obviously, everyone wants to headline 'WrestleMania.'

Nobody thought Finn Balor would be in the WWE. Here I am.

When I came to NXT, it was very much a developmental brand.

I worry too much about the present to worry about the future.

My whole career, I've been climbing or chasing or hunting something.

My parents have supported me everywhere I've went: U.K. to Japan, NXT.

I can honestly say it was the greatest decision of my life coming to WWE.

Japan took me in as one of their own and treated me like one of their own.

That would be a dream match for me to see Finn Balor versus The Undertaker.

I'm not going to throw in the towel a moment earlier than I think I have to.

Everyone that watches wrestling as a kid dreams of being a wrestler for WWE.

I'm going to look forward to the future as opposed to looking back at the past.

I came to WWE to be on 'WrestleMania' and to be in a 'WrestleMania' main event.

When I first broke in, I wanted to be the best technical wrestler on the planet.

People won't believe this, but I don't really like being the center of attention.

I've got a pretty wild imagination, and a lot of times, I have to be reeled back in.

The 'Demon King' takes out a lot out of Finn Balor the man emotionally and mentally.

Just the extent of the reach that the WWE Universe has around the world is incredible.

Just remember that when I went to New Japan, nobody knew who I was. And I've done okay.

I'm very much in a mindset that I take myself out of anything that I'm not involved in.

I can't speak of anything but greatness for Roman Reigns. He's one of the all-time greats.

If you're going to learn about entrances from anyone, you might learn from the Undertaker.

I don't really pay attention to the news or stuff like that or what's going on in politics.

When you're in NXT, you're really fighting and trying to dig down deep and chase your dream.

It's been a bit of a struggle getting used to life in the States, adapting to a new lifestyle.

It wasn't until later in my career that I really focused on the importance on making an entrance.

I quite like walking out in my sweet new Balor Club jacket, popping my collar and being Mr. Cool.

I had to use a lot of the lessons I learned from fighting Samoa Joe and apply them to Bray Wyatt.

I'm the sort of person with a very short attention span, and I lose interest in things very quickly.

The NXT women are changing the way women's wrestling is viewed. It's an inspiration to be able to watch.

You can be a big fish in a small pond, but you're only going to be competing against people at that level.

It was a big gamble to come to WWE, and it was a big gamble to come to NXT. Honestly, the gamble paid off.

Hopefully, I can be a good role model for kids, and they can grow up to follow their dreams just like I am.

I don't see why we should alienate anyone, regardless of sexual orientation, nationality, religion, ethnicity.

I'm very lucky to be working at NXT with coaches, especially Matt Bloom, who is open-minded and a great ribber.

The crowd down in Australia is always so energetic, some of the best crowds in the world to perform in front of.

I'm not one for reading comments or reading what people say online because, generally, there's a lot of negativity.

A lot of people are under the impression that Finn Balor relies on the Demon King, but that is certainly not the case.

There wasn't one defining moment that I said, 'I wanna be a wrestler.' It was just something that was always inside me.

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