Real feminism is spinsterhood.

Familiarity breeds democracry.

Democracy is the fig leaf of elitism.

Spinsterhood is Nature's Own Feminism.

We worship education but hate learning.

Judge not, lest ye be judged judgmental.

It takes only one child to raze a village.

Some last words seem flat-out unbelievable.

Why do I hate people? Who else is there to hate?

Familiarity doesn't breed contempt, it is contempt.

I don't suffer fools, and I like to see fools suffer.

Never look on the bright side. The glare is blinding.

The Apologizer Bunny keeps going and going and going.

A home without a grandmother is like an egg without salt.

Agoraphobia was my quirky armor against a gregarious America.

I simply like guns because you can't shoot people without them.

In Mississippi the important thing is hooch, not bar equipment.

To me, the thing that has always ruined Jane Fonda is her voice.

The nice thing about Southerners is the way we enjoy our neuroses.

True nostalgia is an ephemeral composition of disjointed memories.

No matter which sex I went to bed with, I never smoked on the street

to a Southerner it is faux pas, not sins, that matter in this world.

Families composed of rugged individualists have to do things obliquely.

Writers who have nothing to say always strain for metaphors to say it in.

I do believe in reincarnation, but I do not believe there is life before noon.

Southerners are so devoted to genealogy that we see a family tree under every bush.

Episcopalians have always preferred the flying buttress to the pillar of the church.

In 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,' I couldn't take my eyes off Judith Anderson as Big Mama.

The more immoral we become in big ways, the more puritanical we become in little ways.

If whisky or salt won't cure it, then to hell with it. I worry about important things.

I'd rather rot on my own floor than be found by a bunch of bingo players in a nursing home.

Women's writing was coming along fine until feminists came along and turned it into Women's Lit.

There's no national glue holding us together because somebody put too much pluribus in the unum.

Chinks in America's egalitarian armor are not hard to find. Democracy is the fig leaf of elitism.

America is the only country in the world where you can suffer culture shock without leaving home.

He travels fastest who travels alone, and that goes double for she. Real feminism is spinsterhood.

Time has lost all meaning in that nightmare alley of the Western world known as the American mind.

There is more sexism in a year's worth of movies than actually exists in a woman's entire lifetime.

Real feminism is spinsterhood. It's time America admitted that old maids give all women a good name.

Democracy elevates by turning ordinary people into extraordinary ordinary people called celebrities.

Insecurity breeds treachery: if you are kind to people who hate themselves, they will hate you as well.

I've always said that next to Imperial China, the South is the best place in the world to be an old lady.

It's the Government's job to print the money, deliver the mail and declare war. Now give me my cigarettes.

I don't mind being regarded as perverted and unnatural, but I would die if people thought I was a Democrat.

In baseball, you can't tell the players without a scorecard, but in political commentary, you need a metaphor.

God may have loved the common people, but a trip to any shopping mall suggests that He made far too many of them.

In social matters, pointless conventions are not merely the bee sting of etiquette, but the snake bite of moral order.

Owning your own home is America's unique recipe for avoiding revolution and promoting pseudo-equality at the same time.

Golf is an exercise in Scottish pointlessness for people who are no longer able to throw telephone poles at each other.

We worship education but hate learning. We worship success but hate the successful. We worship fame but hate the famous.

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