Nothing has been given to me.

I couldn't ask for a better life.

I'm not worried. My time will come.

If you're good enough, you're old enough.

I mean, I couldn't ask for a better life, man.

I've got a long way to go. I'm not in a hurry.

When I'm out on the field, I'm not scared of anyone.

I do stuff that I don't even know I can do sometimes.

Once your name gets out, people just want to crack you.

I need more time to develop as a player and as a person.

I need to go play football. I don't care about anything else.

You can't do anything to help your team win when you don't play.

I haven't done anything yet, but I want to be the best in the world.

It's not easy when you come in as the highest-paid player and you're 14.

I play a lot of Playstation, and always trying to look pretty for the girls.

I need to have the ball at my feet. That's when I know anything is possible.

I just want to go in with the right attitude and from Day 1 make a difference.

I want to be good at what I do, obviously, and to do that I need to keep my head straight.

It doesn't matter what size you are. It matters how big your heart is and how smart you are.

I don't want to be one of those guys where I go there and wait a long time before I become a starter.

Sometimes I even amaze myself, and sometimes I do things that make me want to punch myself in the face.

It's awesome where I am right now. It's a lot of people's dream. I'm going to take full advantage of it.

My image is very important to me. I want to bring a good face to my family. That's the way I've been raised.

I honestly didn't expect this much attention, but it just keeps happening so I must be doing something right.

A lot of players in Europe aren't as tall as the other guys, so they have to be stocky to physically compete.

This is unbelievable to me. I always wanted to be famous, be the best, but I didn't think it would be like this.

A lot of people have been hyped up to be great but just disappeared. I promised myself I wouldn't be one of them.

When I'm out there on the field, I'm in a whole different world, you know? It's like, I'm just having so much fun.

That's the dream. Being on the U.S. National team and winning the World Cup. I'll take the win anyway I can get it.

I feel the pressure but I embrace it. Whatever I have to do to make the sport catch on to other people, I'll do it.

When you get into the game you've got be thinking, when I get into the attacking third I'm gonna be freakin' creative.

My only real job is to play well and do my job on the field. If I do that, all the other stuff will take care of itself.

It's one of the best leagues in Europe in football. Benfica in my opinion is one of the top 10 biggest clubs in the world.

I'm going to go in and play, because the most important thing is playing on the field and being able to contribute. I really am ready.

My mom was always the supplier of soccer balls, and so people were always knocking on my door, and trying to get me out so we could play.

Obviously, everybody has their own expectations of you, but you have to have your own expectations for yourself. For me, I'm right on track.

All I can say is, hey, if you have fun doing what you do, if you have fun playing soccer, the creativity is just going to come as time goes on.

If they asked me, I would have to say no. I made up my mind to play for the United States some day and I'm sticking to it. (on playing for Ghana)

I'm very young. This gives me a perfect opportunity to play for a good team and be close to home, to grow as a player. (on signing for D.C. United)

Sometimes I feel like my childhood has been taken away from me just a tiny bit. But if you want to achieve your goals, you have to sacrifice some things.

I think everything happens for a reason and all the things that happened to me - good, bad - I'm glad they did. It's made me ready for life, for adulthood.

There are some casual fans who think you're going to dominate a game, be magic, score 10 goals. Even if you dominate a game, you'll only score two or three goals.

I wanted to get us a place of our own with a little bit more space. The kitchen is just huge, because my mom... lives there, man, and she loves being in the kitchen.

It helps to have someone in the same boat as you... There's a lot of pressure, so it helps to have someone who's also young and famous and has a lot of pressure to succeed.

When you play soccer, most of the time you got to get the ball moving, but once you get into that attacking third you gotta be creative, you gotta let your talent take over.

When you play soccer, most of the time you got to get the ball moving, but once you get into that attacking third you gotta' be creative, you gotta' let your talent take over.

I would love to play for Real Madrid. And I want to win a World Cup for the U.S. so bad. When the women won it, everybody went crazy. I would love to be part of something like that.

You can teach all the other stuff, you know. You can teach shooting the ball, you can teach having a good touch... passing and whatnot, but when you get out there on the field, it's just a mindset you need to go into the game with.

I've always been one of the youngest guys on the team. But now I'm one of the older guys, one of the more experienced guys, and I have to be more of a leader. The guys are looking up to me, asking me questions and looking at me to step up.

Obviously, I'm at the beginning of my career, contrary to what anyone else thinks. I'm 19 years old. In any other country, everywhere else, you're a prospect. And that's what I am right now in Europe. I'm a prospect. I'm not a seasoned veteran.

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