I don't really wear lipstick.

I want to carry on modelling for years to come.

Float through life, just take it easy, not too much stress, just, float.

I grew up playing soccer with the boys - quite far from reading magazines.

Don't go overboard with too many accessories and too many different things.

Denim should always be comfortable; jeans should protect you. They are workwear.

I do a bit of yoga - by myself, not classes. I like to go for long walks and to garden.

There's a special feeling that you get from Chanel that you don't get from any other show.

I'm always in an Alexander Wang t-shirt or tank top and Acne jeans. I can just throw that on and be myself.

You can pull off anything if you have the right attitude. Being cool is whatever you think it is. Own your style.

It's important to think about the bigger picture, especially if we are given these platforms. We can make a difference.

I guess I like more of the skinny jeans. I'm not very fond of all the stretch, so I try to avoid too much stretch fabric.

I love to have massages, I think it's really important to relax. In New York, I usually go to Massage Williamsburg or Great Jones Spa.

I am quite 'natural' in the sense that I do not worry too much about the way I look, and I like a casual look. I do not wear make-up if I do not need to.

I get out of bed, brush my teeth, wash my face, put on moisturiser, put on clothes, and leave. Four minutes. I like to shower at night so I can roll out of bed.

I would like to sit down with Emily Dickinson, Virginia Woolf, PJ Harvey, and Bjork. That would be a good dinner in my mind. Strong women. I think I would enjoy that.

My routine is really simple. I wash my face with Bioderma Sensibio H2O, and I exfoliate around once a week. I then use an oil-free moisturiser, and that's pretty much it.

I've been travelling around the U.K., actually getting to see places. I'm so lucky that I am able to travel with work, but you don't often get to experience them properly.

I love the process - collaborating with the photographers, traveling, and seeing different cultures. My mother always said I would regret it if I didn't do it. And I think she was right.

It's hard when people ask me to walk in a different way than I would naturally. I don't think my walk is particularly elegant if you compare it to other girls, but it fits my personality.

To have power naps! In the past months, I have learned to have them everywhere I go, and that is key for my health. To eat healthy food is also essential - especially fruit, for the vitamins.

I was a little biker girl. I thought it was cool; everyone else thought it was really weird. The other little girls were all in these pretty dresses, and my mum bought me this black, studded leather jacket, which I loved.

Being a tomboy worked to my advantage in fashion. I'm known as the androgynous girl - I've used it in a way that works for me. I've never felt a pressure to change myself. I do own a few Rick Owens dresses - they're more like long tank tops, though.

I never really wear any make-up on my face, like foundation or anything - and I really wouldn't advise that you leave that on your skin at night - but I do often leave on my eye make-up overnight. I actually prefer it the next day; it looks more worn-in.

I've had times where I'm like, "Whoops, maybe I shouldn't have done that." But, you know, it does grow out fairly quickly, so it's not the end of the world. If you really mess up, you can always go to somebody who knows what they're doing and have them try to fix it.

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