Criminals gravitate into government positions like natural law.

The timid and fearful cannot defend liberty -- or anything else.

There is no such thing as absolute proof. There is only evidence.

Collectivism and freedom are mortal enemies. Only one will survive

Collectivism and freedom are mortal enemies. Only one will survive.

Rights and responsibilities are ... different sides of the same coin.

Guns are dangerous. The only thing more dangerous is not having them.

Financial dependence on the state is the foundation of modern serfdom.

The Federal Reserve is incapable of accomplishing its stated objectives.

There is simply no limitation on the realistic power of the U.N. over us.

The existing U.N. can be found in the writings of early Communist leaders.

To oppose corruption in government is the highest obligation of patriotism.

The same evidence that is convincing to one person may not convince another.

Most tragic mistake in history occurred when the United States joined the U.N.

Those who are not interested in politics will be forever ruled by those who are.

Life is hollow without health and freedom. To seek one while ignoring the other is folly.

The Fed has become an accomplice in the support of totalitarian regimes throughout the world.

The John Birch Society is not ultra-conservative, communist-hating, and racist as opponents paint it.

The dangerous thing about platform introductions is that they tend to create unrealistic expectations.

The gates of heaven surely are closed to those who decline to oppose totalitarianism with all their might.

When the Goths are at the gates, forming study groups and praying for deliverance is not effective defense.

Whenever a partnership is formed, there has to be a benefit to the partners; otherwise, they don't form it.

The nation's first experiment with the income tax was tried at this time; another violation of the Constitution.

I am in agreement with income-tax protesters that the tax, as commonly applied, is unconstitutional, unfair, and immoral.

Error is better than apathy. Error can be corrected in time to change the outcome. Apathy is seldom corrected until it is too late.

When governments claim to derive their authority from any source other than the governed, it always leads to the destruction of liberty.

The information that follows is taken primarily...from government hearings and reports published from various Senate and House committees.

There is no time in American history in which there was more economic conflict between segments of the population than there was prior to the Civil War.

We can see our liberties vanishing here in the United States... A little bit here and a little piece there... We can see it, we can feel it, and we can hear it.

When I did my research on this topic, I came to the startling conclusion that the Federal Reserve System does not need to be audited - it needs to be abolished.

If we took information only from sources with which we agreed on all issues, we would be left with merely quoting ourselves, and we would miss a great deal of truth.

During the Nuremberg trials, Oswald Pohl, an SS Lieutenant General, shown here explaining how Farben operated such concentration camps as Auschwitz and Buchenwald.

No one in America fully understands the constantly changing Internal Revenue Code. Agents of the IRS do not, judges do not, congressmen do not, and most assuredly taxpayers do not.

It is the ability of governments to acquire money without direct taxation that makes modern warfare possible, and a central bank has become the preferred method of accomplishing that.

The Civil War was started over economic issues, not slavery. The War was not popular in the North until the issue of slavery was added at a later time to turn it into a moral crusade.

The Constitution acknowledges two kinds of taxes: direct and indirect... Examples of direct taxes are income and property taxes... Examples of indirect taxes are import and excise taxes.

And thirdly, the FDA occasionally does some genuine public good with whatever energies it has left over after serving the vested political and commercial interest of its first two activities.

An overview of all wars since the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694 suggests that most of them would have been greatly reduced in severity, or perhaps not even fought at all, without fiat money.

By...WWII, I.G. Farben had become...part of the most gigantic and powerful cartel of all history...interlocking agreements...over 2,000 of them...In the US, the cartel had established important agreements with

There are few historians who would challenge the fact that the funding of World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War was accomplished by the Mandrake Mechanism through the Federal Reserve System.

In truth, money is not created until the instant it is borrowed. It is the act of borrowing which causes it to spring into existence. And, incidentally, it is the act of paying off the debt that causes it to vanish.

If you look at a copy of EO 11110, you will find that it does not order the issuance of Silver Certificates. It orders an amendment to EO 10289... Those functions did not include the power to issue Silver Certificates.

There is much evidence indicating that the Capitalistic and Communist conspiracies BOTH are directed by a single master conspiracy which may have continuity with the Order of the Illuminati which was founded 200 years ago.

If Lincoln's primary goal in the War was not the abolition of slavery but simply to preserve the Union, the question arises: Why did the Union need preserving? Or, more pointedly, why did the Southern states want to secede?

When the dollar was separated entirely from gold in 1971, it ceased being the official IMF world currency and finally had to compete with other currencies... From that point forward, its value increasingly became discounted.

This is very intriguing to think we should audit the Fed, but I discovered that probably if they audited the Fed, it would get a clean bill because it's undoubtedly doing exactly what it's supposed to do according to the law.

What I am going to tell you is this: Although it is commonly believed that the War on Terrorism is a noble effort to defend freedom, in reality, it has little to do with terrorism and even less to do with the defense of freedom.

The Great Culling of the human race already has begun. It is being done through chemicals added to our drinking water, food, medicines, and the air we breathe - chemicals that have the known effect of reducing fertility and shortening lifespan.

As long as the dollar remains in high esteem as a trade currency, America can continue to spend more than it earns. But when the day arrives - as it certainly must - when the dollar tumbles and foreigners no longer want it, the free ride will be over.

EO 11110 did not order the printing of Silver Certificates. It ordered the amendment of a previous executive order so that the United States Code would authorize or 'empower' the Secretary of the Treasury to issue Silver Certificates if the occasion should arise.

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