I was just a kid, but I was a rotten kid.

My son gave me the permission to accept my success.

I am offered work all the time but not for TV series.

I don't vote for the guy I trust. I vote for the guy who trusts me the most.

It's awfully nice when people thank you for the pleasure and laughter you've brought to their lives.

The 'M*A*S*H' cast loves each other with unconditional love; our domestic animals love us with unconditional love.

I'm just a Connecticut country boy. The people I've known, the changes of season, the call of the blue jay - when I'm away, all of them haunt me.

The richest people are those who have life arranged so they have food for the family and the rent or mortgage paid. After that, at least in my case, it can become a pretty boring existence if wealth is the only objective.

The best compliment we ever got about the show was from a Korean veteran who was unable to talk about his war experience with his wife until 'M*A*S*H.' While watching the show, he was able to lean over to his wife and say, 'See, honey, that's the way it was.'

I've discovered that the standard all-American dream of fame and fortune is not success for me. Success for me is simply the joy of working - doing good work - and then bringing that joy home to my family. But if what I do in my work doesn't enrich my life with my family, I'm doing the wrong thing.

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