Taxes are nice in Florida.

Obviously I rely on my driving.

It's frustrating not to play well.

I rely on my ball striking more than anything.

Life's not always going to be bells and whistles.

Obviously, if you make birdies, you can move up quickly.

I was Graeme McDowell's neighbour for eight years in Orlando.

I think I proved what I always believed. That I'm pretty good.

I come from Kansas; we're steak-and-potato boys. I grew up on meat.

I'll never forget where I came from, and I'll never forget who I am.

I can hit a lot of drivers, be aggressive, and attack from the fairway.

I like to play aggressively, and it just lets me go for even more shots.

When I see the ball going in the hole, I'm a completely different player.

My dad had me on the golf course. It was just something I could do with my dad.

I worked my whole life and dreamed my whole life of being a professional athlete.

I'm always thinking and so even if I'm not on the golf course I'm mentally thinking.

Everybody expects you to play well, and when you don't have the results, that's tough.

I'm not going to abandon the power game, but I'm going to be sure use it to my advantage.

It was hard growing up because there was nothing close. I never went to a golf tournament.

I played other sports, so when I played golf, I wanted to have fun. And hitting it far is fun.

You just have to drive it in the fairways. If you miss fairways, it's easy to make big numbers.

No matter what I've done, from when I was a young kid, I always believed I would be successful.

I love to be at Topeka Country Club. It's where I grew up. That's one course I'd play every day.

People probably growing up said U.S. Open wouldn't suit me, because I'm a long hitter, I'm a bomber.

I don't know if I spent any time on a putting green when I was a kid. I was too busy hitting driver.

It took me a lot to learn to control adrenaline; and other sports you use adrenaline to your advantage.

Enjoy the pressure. Enjoy the stress. Enjoy being uncomfortable. And don't shy away from it, embrace it.

I think of all my iron shots as punches - not punch shots, but how much pressure I'm applying to the hit.

I thought the opportunity to play golf 12 months a year would give me a chance to go where I wanted to go.

My dad worked nights. When I got home from school I was able to go hang out with my dad and play some golf.

I have a boxer and I'm getting another boxer. I have a girlfriend, Gabby Granado, who lives with me as well.

I'm becoming a more complete player. I have more shots. I can rely more on my putting, rely on my short game.

It's nice to see the results. You work so hard and you want to see results to back up the work that you've done.

I'm trying to get better on and off the golf course at all times so I think it's a work in progress all day long.

Obviously I have no problem wearing pants in competition, but sometimes we're out here in the summer and it's so hot.

I can't play video games because I have that addictive personality. If I started playing video games I wouldn't stop.

It's been my experience that success in golf comes from not letting your mind wander from the shot you're about to hit.

I always wanted to play at the highest level. I didn't care what sport it was; I just wanted to play at the highest level.

I'm becoming a more complete player where I believe I can compete more week in, week out, especially in major championships.

I love Quail Hollow. I think it's one of the big boy golf courses we play. I just don't think there's really a bad hole on it.

There's men and women who sacrifice and do so much for us so I can go out and play a game of golf and live my life under freedom.

I've trained since I started walking, I've played sports, I've competed. I've learned how to win, even if I haven't done it as much as I'd like.

Being a father now puts life in perspective. My whole life it's all been about trying to win. And now I'm trying to make a better life for my son than I've had.

When I got hurt and had surgery on my left shoulder, my arm was in a sling for over a month but I could play Ping-Pong right-handed. I started playing and got addicted.

I make 18 three-footers after every round. It's just something that helps me focus on routine, and helps me hear the ball go in the hole. It's something I do every day.

I'm a huge sports guy, so getting messages from guys I grew up watching and following - Scott Van Pelt, Chris Paul, Charles Barkley, Adam Schefter - was really special.

I love to play three-quarter iron shots. They take a lot of extra movement out of the swing, which increases my chance of hitting it solid with the face square to the target.

There are going to be bad things in your life, a lot of ups and downs, but the only thing you can control is your attitude. And if you do that, in the end good things will happen.

I've always been a pretty good ball-striker, I've relied on my ball-striking in my whole career, my athletic ability. But the short game and putting has kind of held me back in majors.

If I'm hitting 3-wood and everyone else is hitting driver, it's a level playing field. If I'm hitting driver straight, then I think I'm playing at a different level than everybody else.

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