I used to paint.

Staying curious keeps me inspired.

Lighting is key for me for every project.

Design is my biggest love. It consumes me!

I was an artist before I got into interiors.

My design philosophy has always been eclectic.

Interior design wasn't something I rushed into.

For me, it's all about balancing your priorities.

My personal style is very comfortable and feminine.

It's important to match your style with the occasion.

My love for interior designing has always been there.

Dining should be a delightful and a beautiful experience.

I don't look back on anything; I'm always looking forward.

I only take the positives, and I don't take the negatives.

Luxury and style have been key elements in all my projects.

I got married very young, and children followed soon after.

For me, it's beautiful when career and passion come together.

I've been influenced by my travels across India and the globe.

My passion is to create and transform a small or a large space.

I love walking into an empty room and imagining what it could be.

My design preference tends towards warmth, comfort, and minimalism.

I take a keen interest in the architecture of places when I travel.

I think it's important to keep moving forward so that the soul can grow.

Of course, design is a very personal thing: what I like, you may not like.

The thought of buying a gift and wrapping is too much of an effort for me.

I prefer single statement pieces like solitaire earrings and a elegant ring.

I think the Saree makes a woman look sexy yet graceful all at the same time.

A design that I create is like my own extension. It's 'thinking made visible.'

I love to complement my Indian ensembles with neckpieces and earrings and cuffs.

I think when people spend all their time together is when trouble starts brewing.

It was a wonderful experience to design the Pride of Cows limited-edition bottle.

When your heart is in the right place and you give your best, nothing can go wrong.

While I'm really proactive when it comes to managing my projects, I am a shy person.

I don't come from a space where I gush and praise - the world is doing enough of that.

Design is a very personal thing. It's like art. Your personal choice plays a big role.

Gauri Khan Designs has bespoke furniture for your living room - and the outdoors, too!

Too much clutter is a disturbance to the energy of a space for me. It's big no-no for me.

I think I was smart to marry him. I think that's my smartness, that I chose the right guy.

I'm one of those designers who can be inspired by absolutely anything, anywhere in the world.

I feel that I am leading a very normal life, where I am just another working woman like anyone else.

When I avoided interviews, it was mainly because I didn't want to speak only about my personal life.

My signature line of clothing for Satya Paul will showcase a distinctive aspect of my own personal style.

When you are passionate about something, you don't need external motivation to work towards achieving it.

My designs are free-flowing in their approach, and I want to create an ambience of warmth and tranquility.

Shah Rukh has definitely been my inspiration. He is extremely focused in his work and is extremely ambitious.

I had no patience for films. It was only after I met Shah Rukh that I learnt to enjoy his passion for cinema.

I'm comfortable in my own skin and surroundings. I don't think I get overshadowed by my husband or his personality.

When you're young, luxury often means being able to buy something you really want - a high end bag or a specific car.

I pick and choose when I want to be in spotlight, which is only connected to my work and when I need to use the media.

I would tell all women entrepreneurs to stay focussed and positive. One just needs to keep moving without looking back.

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