I bought quite a few houses and cars.

I choose roles according to my sensibilities.

I'll never say good bye to TV. I belong there.

As an actor I believe in doing all sorts of genres.

Never say never, but I won't kiss just for the heck of it.

As a kid, I would have 6-7 muffins with milk for breakfast.

Growing a beard is tough and not as easy as one might think.

I feel there are very few people who can control their anger.

I am not a dancer. In fact, I have no formal training in dance.

For an actor, it's important to choose the right kind of project.

I've two great friends in showbiz - Nigaar Khan and Waseem Sabir.

I would love to turn producer someday but the time has to be right.

I had thought of joining my dad in his stock broking business in Delhi.

There is no money in films, till the time you make it to a certain bracket.

I am very and proud of what we've made. 'Maha Kumbh' has all the ingredients.

To keep my metabolism healthy, I eat seven-eight meals a day, every two hours.

If you do TV, sign a proper daily soap, then you won't be able to do anything.

The love and unwavering support I get from my admirers is the biggest compliment.

I like having a new challenge to tackle because that gives me an adrenaline rush.

Maintaining dignity and staying calm in a show like 'Bigg Boss' is a very big task.

If films don't work, you have to be realistic and keep taking up television projects.

I have always donned different looks going with the requirement of the roles I played.

When I was a kid, I loved having muffins and cupcakes and I still like them with coffee.

My family has always supported me and I love spending time with them during my free time.

When I have some time, I enjoy watching movies, also trying to cultivate habit of reading.

I believe that music videos give us an opportunity as actors to play a different character.

Initially, in 'Suryaputra Karn,' we tried a wig but it looked unnatural, so I grew my hair.

I have a pretty high metabolism rate. So I tend to lose muscle mass if I am not working out.

I work out for a few hours extra, but I can't give cakes and chocolates a miss on Christmas.

If my parents don't like something, they tell me on my face. You get real feedback from them.

When doing films, ones acting skills are polished, and the actor delivers a better performance.

As a sensible actor, I can easily judge which scene looks vulgar and which will look aesthetic.

I think we forget sometimes how blessed we are to be able to help others and make a difference!

People say it is tough to have true friends in glam world, but I feel it is the same everywhere.

Once you are known, people start banking on you and see if your other projects are successful or not.

My breakfast consists of skimmed milk, a scoop of whey protein, and granola with dry fruits and oats.

To be very honest, I owe it all to TV, it has made me what I am today. I've learnt the craft from it.

Whatever I do, no matter it's for television, web or the big screen - it should satisfy me as an actor.

I can't do only goody-goody roles. I can't be complacent, I have to play characters in different genres.

My cheat food is mainly all the sweet stuff I love to eat - pastries, chocolates, cakes and besan ka ladoo.

Being an actor I believe in doing a variety of roles so that the audience gets to see different shades of me.

No matter how tired I am, or whether I have injured my back or neck while shooting, I don't ever miss the gym.

I don't like the idea of a reality show. It makes me like a student in school who is competing in a competition.

There are people who envy you and don't want to see you succeed, but there are also people who pray for your success.

Physically, I was always into working out and keeping myself fit because more than looking good I want to be healthy.

Production is not an easy game and I would want to be prepared with the right team, script, etc before getting into it.

I think one should definitely invest, not all the money in one go but keep some and invest the rest as and when required.

An actor can never plan. You never know what can work in your favour or not and then maybe the whole dynamics can change.

Fans come up to me to talk, shake hands, hug and click photos; I usually oblige because I can see how much they admire me.

An actor can never plan. You never know what can work in your favor or not and then, may be the whole dynamics can change.

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