Archers are pretty focused.

I'm very competitive, I think.

I haven't ever gone to any Mensa meetings.

I love theater. Just, it never spoke to me.

Are you stupid or did you just take lessons?

If you risk nothing, then you risk everything.

Obviously, movies don't almost ever shoot in sequence.

I almost never get nervous. I have ice water in my veins.

Rosie knows how to play ball. She's an athlete, for sure.

Film roles really did start to dry up when I got into my 40s.

Once I fix what kids watch, I'll be moving on to everything else.

If it isn't a success, that still wouldn't be grounds for divorce.

You can't snap your fingers, and suddenly half of Congress is women.

I'm so not a party person. I'm so not social and don't go to parties.

Kids need to see entertainment where females are valued as much as males.

Something's like crossed over in me and I can't go back. I couldn't live.

I don't think male characters are as one-dimensional as female characters.

My knowledge of horror films is pathetic because I can't really watch them.

People think of me in the same breath as Robert Redford and Robert De Niro.

All I wanted, to be petite and attractive. I was afraid I'd never stop growing.

Disney has proved without a shadow of a doubt that movies with a female lead work.

There are woefully few women CEOs in the world, but there can be lots of them in films.

Archery is something that I took up later and didn't know I had a natural aptitude for.

Somebody warned me early on to be very careful about brushing up against the chocolate.

I am completely obsessed with numbers and data. I have become a scientist in later life.

On film, you can't do it over again. And you do have to stop shooting at a certain point.

I wish I knew who said it, but my favorite quote is, "If a person can do it, I can do it."

The more hours of television a girl watches, the fewer options she thinks she has in life.

It's really important for boys to see that girls take up half of the planet - which we do.

If I go to hotels, they always say, 'Welcome back', even when I've never been there before.

Dressing up used to be more of a thing. My dad wore a suit always. Now you think, why bother?

If we show fictional characters doing cool stuff, then girls will want to be it in real life.

A woman as the leader of the Free World is an impossibility. Muslim countries won't talk to you.

Women are half the population of the world, and yet there are so few female characters on-screen.

Instead of trying to manufacture feelings, use the way you already feel. Or at least add that in.

Having a very complicated life, or a lot of problems, or a lot of flaws, is always great to play.

The second I finish shooting something, I know I could have done it better if we started right then.

I'm such a wuss. But I know that The Exorcist [1973] is one of the best and most famous of [horor movies].

I think I always had joie de vivre. But I had pretty bad self-esteem growing up and much of my adult life.

My thing in high school was being the tallest kid in class. Always. I was always the tallest kid in class.

The most common occupation for women in G rated films is royalty - which is a great gig, if you can get it.

I just read that 81 percent of Americans are ready to vote for a woman. So it sounds like America is ready.

I drive [Susan Sarandon] nuts. I'm always talking about her being my hero. I'm sure she's probably sick of it.

One thing is a fairly simple and straightforward thing. I don't long to direct. I really want to get some good parts.

We are in effect enculturating kids from the very beginning to see women and girls as not taking up half of the space.

I was averaging about one movie a year my whole career, and that was because I'm fussy. I probably could have done more.

The most important thing is to change what children see from the beginning. To not create a problem we have to fix later.

Having been in some roles that really resonated with women, I became hyper-aware of how women are represented in Hollywood.

I was tall from minute one. Always the tallest kid by a large margin. And my fantasy was to take up less space in the world.

I was really lucky that I had an aunt who was very inspiring to me. She was different than anybody in my family on either side.

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