I don't have an idol per se.

I would love to do film in Spanish.

Every woman needs a girls' night out.

Being by the ocean is the greatest thing.

I could never date a guy with a pet snake.

Every guy should have a fantasy sports team.

I'd rather just be the girl who likes to eat a lot of food.

If I could do anything, I'd be an engineer of some sort. I used to build robots.

I really want to keep on opening doors for myself, and others who want to come in.

I think I'm representing a new generation of Latinos - bilingual, bicultural people.

I love to talk about sports. I love sports; it's just something that's in my nature.

Girls really like for doors to be opened for them. Guys should really remember that.

I don't really care if people think I'm good-looking or not; it doesn't define me as a person.

I'm bicultural, and everyone sees me as a Latina, but in my head I see myself as both Latina and American.

Telenovelas have been part of my world since childhood, I always felt like I had to be something that I wasn't.

I'm so excited about 'Identity Thief'. It's such a good comedy, and I'm excited for people to go out and see it!

I like when a guy has his shirt off and I can see his chest and his abs. When it's all smooth, you can see a lot.

I knew what kind of genre 'Casa de mi Padre' was going for. But my character, specifically, I think is very real.

I love Miami; I miss it so much. I miss the beach, the peace it brings you. I love the sound and smell of the sea.

Making a fool out of yourself and putting it on the Internet is one of the best bonding experiences you could have.

As soon as I came to L.A., I was told that I was exotic. I'd think, But I'm from Miami! I'm as American as a cheeseburger!

In novelas, sometimes you get the most ridiculous situations, but you make the best of it. But novelas are a very special genre.

If this acting thing doesn't work, I'd just put in my resume for NBA.com. I'm a really huge basketball fan... I'll talk all sorts of trash.

I know I can't eat whatever I want and look the way I want, so you need to work for it. I give credit to Pilates and my parents' good genes.

I especially want to change the way we as Latinas see our beauty. I feel that there is a misinterpretation of what we're supposed to look like.

I really like the risk takers. I like people who make those different choices on the carpet. I really like Charlize Theron. I think she's elegant and edgy as well. I love Zoe Saldana.

Latinos are very passionate, and they perform a lot, and look at me, I'm talking with my hands, and this is just my normal self, so it kind of allows me to be who I am and not dumb it down.

I loved that people loved my dad. He never said no to an autograph but didn't make fame a "thing" or act any differently. And it was beautiful to have that support from his fan base when I started to study acting.

I want people to consider talent without a last name or a race attached to it. I knew it would be a long path but also worth the struggle. That's when I got my confidence and when I started to figure out what beauty is.

A director once told me, "You need to act like you're on mute and speak as though the viewer is in the other room doing the dishes." You become a part of the house. We can make fun of telenovelas, but not to the point where we're mocking them.

Although telenovelas have been part of my world since childhood, I always felt like I had to be something that I wasn't. I had to put on so much makeup and wear a push-up bra and have huge hair with blond highlights. I was falling into a mentality where "more" was more beautiful.

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