If you drop out you put yourself further away from the goal of life than if you were to keep working.

The world is a very serious and, at times, very sad place - but at other times it is all such a joke.

You can actually see God, and Hear Him, play with Him. It might sound crazy, but He is actually there.

I've been the same all along. I talk when I feel like it and I shut up when I don't feel like talking.

Just take the music, the goodness, because it's the very best, and it's the part I give most willingly.

We got £25 a week in the early Sixties when we were first with Brian Epstein, when we played the clubs.

It's in the films and songs and all your magazines. It's everywhere that you may go, the devil's radio.

I'm really quite simple. I plant flowers and watch them grow... I stay at home and watch the river flow.

Even one moment in the company of a divine person, Krishna's pure devotee, can help a tremendous amount.

The first time I took LSD, it just blew everything away. I had such an incredible feeling of well-being.

All religions are branches of one big tree. It doesn't matter what you call Him just as long as you call.

It's easier to tell a lie, than to tell the truth. It's easier to kill a fly, than it is to turn it loose.

Do what you want to do, and go where you're going to. Think for yourself, 'Cause I won't be there with you.

It's being here now that's important. There's no past and there's no future. All there is ever, is the now.

Man can become purified, and with divine vision he can see God. You get pure by chanting, then you see Him.

Heaven and hell is right now, right at this moment. You make it heaven or you make it hell by your actions.

The whole thing of life and all the answers to everything are in one divine law, Karma action and reaction.

People have to have a desire within themselves to know who they are and the reason why they are in this body.

The Greek word for Christ is Kristos, which is, let's face it, Krishna, and Kristos is the same name actually.

It doesn't matter whether you're the king of a country or... a fabulous Beatle; it's what's inside that counts.

The action that I've started, sometime I'll have to face. My influence in motion, rebounding back through space.

It's God's love manifest in this world through everything that's in this world, and all the people in the world.

Life is like a rain drop on a lotus leaf. Everybody realises that you're either very lucky person or you're not.

I don't know how you were diverted You were perverted too. I don't know how you were inverted No one alerted you.

It doesn't really matter what chords I play, what words I say or time of day it is, as it's only a Northern Song.

We're as much influenced by everybody else as they are by us, if they are. It's just all a part of the big thing.

Beware of sadness It can hit you It can hurt you Make you sore and what is more That is not what you are here for.

Although Christ, in my mind is an absolute Yogi, I think many Christian teachers today are misrepresenting Christ.

Been stuck in airports, terrorized; sent to meetings, hypnotized; overexposed, commercialized. Handle me with care.

Rap music is just computerised crap. I listen to Top of the Pops and after three songs I feel like killing someone.

Everybody is worried about dying, but the cause of death is birth, so if you don't want to die, you don't get born!

We're trying to impress ourselves in a way. That's why we keep trying to do things better... we never get satisfied.

It is an outrage that people can take other people's lives when they obviously haven't got their own lives in order.

I don't feel the need for unusual or glamorous foods like caviar, and I tend more towards ordinary, satisfying food.

I wanted to collaborate with someone, but it had to be someone I could work with and who wouldn't disrespect my past.

In the big picture, it doesn't really matter if we never made a record, or we never sang a song. That isn't important.

We're now the results of our past actions, and in the future we'll be the results of the actions we're performing now.

I've got my mind set on you. But it's gonna take money, a whole lot of spending money, it's gonna take plenty of money.

People always say I'm the Beatle who changed the most, but really that's what I see life is about... you have to change.

You don't need a passport and you don't need no visas, you don't need to designate or emigrate before you can see Jesus.

The idea that you wake up and it happens that you're Queen, it's amazing but you could all be Queens if you imagined it.

It's by your own actions you're able to get more in a mess or out of one. It's your own actions that relieve or bind you.

Obviously we were having an effect, because all these people were clamouring to meet us. Like Muhammad Ali, for instance.

Each individual has to burn out his own karma and escape from the chains of maya (illusion), reincarnation, and all that.

I'll give up this sort of touring madness certainly, but music-everything is based on music. No, I'll never stop my music.

I play a little guitar, write a few tunes, make a few movies, but none of that's really me. The real me is something else.

The Past is gone and the future might not even be, the only thing we ever experience is the now, I try to enjoy the minute.

After all we did for Britain, selling that corduroy and making it swing, all we got was a bit of tin on a piece of leather.

Ultimately the love can become so big that we can love the whole of creation instead of 'I love this but I don't like that.'

You're asking me will my love grow. I don't know, I don't know. You stick around now it may show. I don't know, I don't know

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