All things must pass.

It's all in the mind.

We were the Spice Boys.

Everything is Dinky Doo.

No truth could ever fear me.

Muhammad Ali was quite cute.

Hare Krishna, Peace and Love

Gossip is the Devil's radio.

All I got to be is be happy.

All love is really God's love.

The Beatles will go on and on.

Hippies are so phoney and fake.

I was so young when I was born.

Love, come and get it, it's free.

Love one another (His last words)

The Beatles will exist without us.

I want to be successful, not famous.

We're God too but we don't realise it.

I wanted to be successful, not famous.

A cloudburst doesn't last all day. . .

With our love, we could save the world.

Life goes on within you and without you

None of us are God - just His servants.

Many people fear the words Lord and God.

What good are three Beatles without John?

I'd rather be a musician than a rockstar.

The world used us as an excuse to go mad.

The Beatles saved the world from boredom.

what would you call this haircut?" arthur.

I'd rather be a musician than a rock star.

All religions are branches of one big tree.

Create and preserve the image of your choice.

God is actually inside. He lives in our hearts.

I'll play what you want or I won't play at all.

I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course

With every mistake, we must surely be learning.

The more I go inside, the more there is to see.

All things must pass, all things must pass away.

America has everything, why should they want us.

My son looks more like George Harrison than I do.

I'm only myself when I have a guitar in my hands.

I never surf (the Net). I don't know the password.

Everybody is great really and has got to be great.

I wouldn't say that my songs are autobiographical.

As long as you hate, there will be people to hate.

I have suffered for this book; now it's your turn.

The Concert for Bangladesh was just a moral stance.

What's often in your heart is the hardest to reach.

For the forest to be green, each tree must be green.

Show me that I m everywhere and get me home for tea.

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