Newspapers are the engines that drive the Web.

As my wife will attest, I do not shop casually.

Every championship, by definition, is historic.

Baseball is all about stories, many of which are even true.

There may not be much future for the kind of sports column I did.

There is nothing wrong with athletes coming back from retirement.

I love hockey because of the respect for history and for the game itself.

In New York, Kid Carter was pure vanilla for a city with stronger tastes.

Most descriptions make Beijing sound overbuilt: not a blade of grass left.

Fans all have their memories of pennant races, good memories, sick memories.

One of the great rules of hockey is: On the Stanley Cup, all germs are healthy.

I will always treasure the privilege of writing the 'Sports of The Times' column.

Here's one thing I never say anymore: These people can't be that stupid, can they?

Some religious guys in sports give the impression, 'I've got something you don't have.'

Some people insist that hallowed professional teams should never change their nicknames.

I love Boston. I love Fenway Park. I love Red Sox history. But in no way am I a Red Sox fan.

Lots of ballplayers have their own personal music blasted by the sound systems in modern ball parks.

Flo Hyman became America's best-known volleyball player with a faulty aorta, but she did not know it.

FIFA is a vuvuzela. It's in your ear, but you don't want to hear it, and then eventually it goes away.

I never worried about getting stale because the news and the people induce freshness every working hour.

Some of us love hockey not just for its ferocity and skill but for its underlying code of civility off the ice.

Baseball's postseason shifts from game to game because of starting pitchers and the geography of the ballparks.

For years, I have been harboring memories of my first major league game at a place named Ebbets Field in Brooklyn.

Some great players, like Ted Williams and Stan Musial, had one more great hitting season left around the age of 40.

Title IX, whether voluntarily or via court cases, opened gymnasiums to women, produced uniforms and schedules and buses.

What is there about basketball that makes Larry Bird or Lenny Wilkens want to coach after their playing careers are done?

Television is making sports universal; for the same reason, big-time soccer is growing more popular in the United States.

There is only one thing wrong about the Flo Hyman Award: it came to be named for the Old Lady of Volleyball much too soon.

Into La Bombonera danced the most agile, rhythmic, beautiful, sensuous people I have ever seen. And that was just the fans.

What I like about it is the creativity. When I watch good soccer players - the way they have to make a play out of nothing.

For years, I advised George Steinbrenner to get out of town because he dishonored my hometown with his bullying and bombast.

The Boys of Summer were heroes in Brooklyn for a full postwar decade partly because the players could not entertain higher offers.

I proposed abolishing boxing because it was bad for the brain, but boxers were generally so decent that I loved being around the gyms.

Ball caps travel far and wide. They do far more than keep the sun out of your eyes or the cold off your head. Ball caps are a statement.

There is no sports event like Opening Day of baseball, the sense of beating back the forces of darkness and the National Football League.

Lance Armstrong has joined the legion of the lost, the great athletes who were barred or exiled for sins admitted or charged or suspected.

In 1949, I saw a World War II veteran named Lou Brissie, who had nearly lost a lower leg in combat, pitch in the All-Star Game in Brooklyn.

No matter how many times it happens, the public always seems to be shocked when an athlete dies young, but the reality is, there are no promises.

Certain Stanley Cup traditions remain intact, including the handshake line between players who had been belting one another for a couple of weeks.

Why is the N.F.L. so popular? The N.F.L. grew in the comfort zone after World War II. People had money and time. A popular American sport got bigger.

Without editors planning assignments and copy editors fixing mistakes, reporters quickly deteriorate into underwear guys writing blogs from their den.

Night tennis began at the United States Open in 1975 with certain stars trying to beg out and certain patrons trying to dump unwanted tickets on scalpers.

There is always a group of death in any World Cup. And it's a complement in a way to be in a group of death because it means that you're a good team also.

Sometimes, sport is just plain pleasing to the eye, like watching La Belle France flit by on television during the Tour de France. I can do that for hours.

In North America, many fans know Cristiano Ronaldo's smirk and can recognize Didier Drogba in a commercial. Maybe they know too much for the good of M.L.S.

War of attrition, war of wills. That's what the Stanley Cup playoffs are - more intense, more physical and more prolonged than the playoffs of any other sport.

I've seen fire, and I've seen rain. I've also had to scramble over tundra to get to the Super Bowl and seen baseball turf fields that could fry a fielder's soles.

When Casey Stengel was putting his mark on all four New York baseball teams, he came off as many things. I have to admit I never thought of him as anybody's uncle.

I know, I know - men have that extra hero gene in their foolish makeup; it's part of our charm. But I happen to know some women who have their inner sports hero, too.

It needs to be said, over and over again, that Stan the Man was voted by 'The Sporting News' as the best baseball player of the postwar decade, from 1946 through 1955.

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