Wasting one's youth is better than doing nothing at all with it.

It is better to waste one's youth than to do nothing with it at all.

A woman never sees what we do for her, she only sees what we don't do.

To be looked upon as a fool by an idiot is a true connoisseur's delight.

If we had to tolerate in others all that we permit in ourselves, life would become completely unbearable.

If it was necessary to tolerate in other people everything that one permits oneself, life would be unbearable.

Most men find it difficult to remain true to a single woman, but relatively easy to be true to three or four at the same time.

Women are better than they are reputed to be: they don't mock the tears men shed unless they themselves are responsible for them.

It is very hard to be in love with someone who no longer loves you, but it is far worse to be loved by someone with whom you are no longer in love.

It is obviously quite difficult to be no longer loved when we are still in love, but it is incomparably more painful to be loved when we ourselves no longer love.

One of the most obvious results of having a baby around the house is to turn two good people into complete idiots who probably wouldn't have been much worse than mere imbeciles without it.

One of the most visible effects of a child's presence in the household is to turn the worthy parents into complete idiots when, without him, they would perhaps have remained mere imbeciles.

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