Some leaders are born women.

If you don't run, you can't win.

I think Obama was terribly sexist.

Every time a woman runs, women win.

I do believe in the power of prayer.

President Reagan's one-liners were terrific.

But I do think its necessary to have debates.

Vice president—it has such a nice ring to it.

Women love to hear a man defending their wife.

Modern life is confusing no "Ms take" about it.

Vice president - it has such a nice ring to it!

My desk drawer is filled with all kinds of prayers.

I was a trial lawyer when I was elected to Congress.

You don't have to have fought in a war to love peace.

You had to be tough to be a female member of Congress.

You people married to Italian men, you know what it's like.

If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position.

I should have had a circuitous answer; that was a non-answer.

I didn't serve on a committee that dealt with foreign policy.

I don't like to practice ahead of time what I'm going to say.

I didn't look very sensitive and they didn't know me very well.

Well of course Bush got Kentucky, because it's a Republican city.

We've chosen the path to equality, don't let them turn us around.

You don't go through a bloodbath like this and then walk away from it.

I enjoyed debate on the floor but it's not really debate in the same way.

People who live through transplants or disasters like Sept. 11 are survivors.

It's okay in this country to be sexist. It's certainly not okay to be racist.

The public is entitled to know whether or not I am married to Jack The Ripper.

I knew what leukemia and lymphoma were, but I had never heard of multiple myeloma.

Leaders can be moral-and they should be moral-without imposing their morality on others.

See that's a goal that I think it's very good in the debate to find out who the person is.

I don't consider myself a survivor; that's someone who has gone through something terrible.

The bottom line as far as I was concerned was presenting to the public who Gerry Ferraro was.

If you think somebody cares about you and believes your life is worth saving, how can you give up?

Personal religious convictions have no place in political campaigns or in dictating public policy.

We were so shocked by how fast that war went that President Bush did not have a plan, a peace plan.

If you ask me a question, don't tell me what the question is in advance, 'cause I'd rather not know.

What are my sources of strength? My husband and my three kids, my health-care team, and my religion.

If you take advantage of everything that America has to offer, there's nothing you can't accomplish.

I'm a happy camper because by doing this I have an opportunity to be on the cutting edge of research.

I stand before you to proclaim tonight: America is the land where dreams can come true for all of us.

I am the first to admit that were I not a woman, I would not have been the vice-presidential nominee.

I'd call it a new version of voodoo economics, but I'm afraid that would give witch doctors a bad name.

I have been extremely lucky; I am a person who is currently living with a cancer that is under control.

politics can be an ugly game, and in a national election the stakes get higher while the tactics get lower.

Such a strange thing. What was terrible for a healthy fetus has been wonderful at defeating the cancer cells.

I'm a competitive person, but I have never understood people's competitiveness at the expense of their colleagues.

Tonight, the daughter of an immigrant from Italy has been chosen to run for vice president in the new land my father came to love.

It was not so very long ago that people thought that semiconductors were part-time orchestra leaders and microchips were very small snack foods.

When a guy gets elected to the Senate or the governor's mansion, he wakes up the next morning and says to himself, 'You're presidential material,'

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