I love Australian people.

Yes, Sept 11th was unfortunate

Competition is for dogs and horses.

Id never choose to turn the clock back.

I'd never choose to turn the clock back.

Everyone has a mad half-hour once a month.

I've had singing lessons and plan to show off.

Being mean about other people isn't on my radar.

We hope for the future, then we reach for the past.

I'm always coming up against scepticism in my life.

I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm damn well gonna do it!

A pat on the back is six inches away from a kick up the ass.

When I'm scared, my natural state is to hide and run for cover.

First my mother was Spanish. Then she became a Jehovahs Witness.

I think I've really learned how important it is to empower women.

For me feminism is bra-burning lesbianism. It's very unglamorous.

I just feel that the only power I have is setting a good example.

I am absolutely blessed and I'm very grateful for where I am today.

Step by step, the road is long, but at the end you can touch a star.

Lyrically I'm very ironic and silly, but I hope I'll touch your heart

I don't know a lot about politics but I have great trust in him as leader.

We are obsessed with image. I don't think we should take it that seriously.

It's important to learn to laugh at ourselves. Don't take life too seriously.

For me reading was always the great escape without getting your fingers burnt.

I know that I've overfed myself trying to prop myself up because I'm exhausted.

For me, reading was always the great escape without getting your fingers burnt.

I've been all sorts of different shapes and sizes at different times in my life.

In school nativity plays I was always the bloody little donkey, I was never Mary.

I'm much more accepting of myself. A lot of my body issues have naturally settled down.

We're all just trying to fit in and find ourselves, particularly when we're growing up.

My favorite word is existentialism. I can't say it and I'm not quite sure what it means.

I was a late starter on the romantic front. I didn't start dating until I was in my 30s.

Words are like butter Rolling off my lips Cut like a knife And now I'm sinking battleships

I won't mention the word tired. This is the 20th century and I can go around a little faster.

I'm done with trying to be perfect. A perfect body belongs to somebody else - and it's not me.

Becoming a solo singer is like going from an eau de toilette to a perfume. It's much more intense.

Obviously Victoria and Mel B have become mothers and there is a part of me that wants to be a mum.

I have days of self-doubt, but I think the kindest thing I can do to myself is accept where my body is at.

Someone taught me how to eat properly. Learning from others is important when it's not working for yourself.

I was so afraid of upsetting people, and not being liked for saying something that was not to everyone's taste.

I have the most ridiculous TV crush on Michael McIntyre. I fell in love watching him on 'Britain's Got Talent'.

I love being on the beach - it's my favourite place. I can chill out, read, listen to music, play with my daughter.

I think it's unnecessary to be mean for the sake of being mean, but I do believe you have to be truthful, but with love.

'Spice Girls' is about unifying the world - every age, every gender, everyone. It's woman power, it's an essence, a tribe.

I've always made my own clothes since I was a little girl. I was a terrible sewer, but I was always cutting and customising.

A lot of people have said that I've got a voice that speaks to children. I think I've got a natural naivety to me. I'm childish.

Being a celebrity, you can remain a child for ever, almost. You get away with more; you can get too pampered and it's not healthy.

If people choose to engage on a one-dimensional level that's fine. But going beyond the surface can enrich ourselves as human beings.

I have a history of eating disorders but, as a mother, you think of being an example to your child. I'm so much more balanced than I was.

I like doing accents. One of my friends works in hotel reservations and I'll ring her up and complain about the suite. Sometimes I get her.

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