I do play villains.

I'm impatient sometimes.

I had to work from a young age.

I love the smell of fried chicken.

You can never lead unless you follow.

I can fish from a stick and a string.

For me, I've lived a life as an athlete.

I'm not someone who is a fan of a lot of violence.

To be a character actor is to be open, to be a chameleon.

I look at Breaking Bad as a show about the American family.

I look at 'Breaking Bad' as a show about the American family.

It feels amazing to work with writers that write really well.

I want a body of work; I want a good story after a good story.

I came from a divorced mother and father, obviously mixed race.

When you're speaking Spanish, you're thinking in a different way.

I always wanted to be a boy scout but was too poor. Couldn't do it.

I'm not too into fast food, but you know if I was, it would be chicken.

I love to read, and I like the fact that there's some silence in my life.

I'm a big fan of period pieces, and I'm a big fan of the old-time westerns.

I have a lot of very, very powerful women in my life. My mother being the first.

Middle-class people are becoming desperate. It can cause a moral man to break bad.

I'm interested in spirituality and in religion and our relationship to the divine.

I practice yoga every day. The practice calms my spirit, and allows me to be present.

I can only control what I do. I can try to suggest and be open, but trust is the key.

There is a price to pay for most of our actions. For every action, there is a reaction.

I know from teaching, that actors want to act. Even the subtlest actors can do a little too much.

People aren't able to make decisions anymore because there's too many choices within that decision.

After 'Breaking Bad,' people are very frightened of who I am. They back away from me on the street.

Yoga has allowed me to bring my complete spirit together, which allows me to do less, which is more.

For me, listening to my breath in between the lines, allows me to be in deep connection to my spirit.

It's certain that the death of an actor can be on a television screen playing the same thing every week.

I think many people have contradictions to them and I love characters that deal with those contradictions.

Well, with each character that I play in my life as an actor, I try to figure out how to find the challenge.

I have from time to time been a double A or triple A personality. I'm not anymore. I'm more lenient on myself.

I feel that if you can transcend the color of your skin, with your talent, why carry that as a badge or a label?

If I can look at each character that I am given and create them in a different way from the last role, I'm happy.

I feel that we have come a long way as American people, and we have to start looking at ourselves as human beings.

Yoga is a big part of my life now. There's not a day that goes by where I don't do an Asana and meditation practice.

When you have great acting partners, you hope that your reaction to them is propels you deeper into your own character.

Who told you to step on my sneakers? Who told you to walk on my side of the block? Who told you to be in my neighborhood?

What helps me is yogic breathing, dropping my spiritual level where I am really, really clear that I am playing a character.

For me, what I try to heal is the major thing that I think all of us go through, where we came from. From our family of origin.

I never like to refer back to anything I've done when I'm working on a character, even if that character has the same occupation.

We all do things at certain points that are contradictory. Some things, it's a smaller contradiction, and other things it's larger.

I don't think anyone is black and white and I think we change our minds and our attitudes about certain things as we grow to our maturity.

My rule is simply "love what you do". That certainly has brought me to the place I where am at right now. It really has been with the work.

I have this vision that I'm really watching each one of my daughters start to become women, and mothers. And this is what's gonna save our planet.

I try to be careful with my persuasiveness. When my heart is really behind it, and when I have no ulterior motive, then I know I’m truly persuasive.

I try to be careful with my persuasiveness. When my heart is really behind it, and when I have no ulterior motive, then I know I'm truly persuasive.

When I perform on stage, you have to remember my performance or buy another ticket to the party! In television and film, you can see it over and over again.

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