Eliminate the superfluous.

The confident artist is a fool.

I didn't have a happy childhood.

Emphasize comfort without compromise.

Jeans represent democracy in fashion.

Acknowledge the elegance of simplicity.

Madonna, as we know, is very difficult.

The world is changing and so is fashion.

Remain true to yourself and your philosophy.

War taught me that not everything is glamorous.

Elegance is not standing out, but being remembered.

The difference between Fashion and Style is Quality

The difference between style and fashion is quality.

Elegance does not catch the eye. It stays in memory.

Elegance is not to be noticed, but to be remembered.

From the elitism of luxury to the democracy of beauty.

Elegance is not being noticed, it's about being remembered.

Elegance doesn’t mean being noticed, it means being remembered

It would be very hard for me to do things somebody else's way.

The human body is something that I truly love, above all else.

Elegance is not about being noticed, its about being remembered.

The essence of style is a simple way of saying something complex.

My work has taught me to pay great respects towards human beings.

Without insecurities, I think one becomes a little bit of an idiot.

Modern life requires us to be more and more flexible in our attire.

Marketing is not a nice word, but the world is about marketing now.

I believe that style is the only real luxury,that is really desirable

Creative work gives you an almost indissoluble connection with people.

A woman should always dress to be remembered, not simply to be noticed.

Accessories are important and becoming more and more important every day.

I'm a very private person, and perhaps this can be mistaken for aloofness.

Elegance is not catching somebody's eyes, it's staying in somebody's memory

I wanted to dress the woman who lives and works, not the woman in a painting.

A homosexual man is a man 100 per cent. He does not need to dress homosexual.

That is always what I've had to do in life: to show I am capable of surviving.

When I started, I had nothing. Because my family was really, really, really poor.

I've always thought of the T-shirt as the Alpha and Omega of the fashion alphabet.

I like to think that I can introduce people to the idea of simplicity and elegance.

Our wardrobe needs to be more versatile, and, above all, it needs to be comfortable.

Italy is not widely thought of as a pioneer of youth culture in the way, say, the UK is.

Youth culture adopts Armani and adapts it in its own way, as befits youthful enthusiasm.

In practice, I've had a presence in China since 1998 with my commercial spaces and shops.

Never in my wildest dreams did I entertain the idea that I would become a fashion designer.

It's not a good idea to match your shoes with a bag too stringently. Go for subtle similarity.

This is the problem with the world today: Nobody wants to take risks, to risk being themselves.

To create something exceptional, your mindset must be relentlessly focused on the smallest detail.

The more successful I become, the more I want to remain like me, with my defects and insecurities.

I've always thought of the T-shirt as the Alpha and Omega of the fashion alphabet, ... The White T.

A perfume is more than an extract it is a presence in abstraction. A perfume, for me, is a mystique.

During a fashion show, I want the clothes to speak. The effort I put into my work must be respected.

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