I'm forever a part of pop culture.

You've got to keep moving, keep creating.

Hey man! I'm a comedian but I'm not a clown.

I am not a model the camera just went off by itself

Tell your girlfriend or wife you love them everyday. Like I do!

I can always create new material. That's something I can control.

I think there are people living in Walmart dressed up as employees.

I'm still trying to understand the wearing off high heels at the airport.

When my woman kisses me I start dancing like James Brown. Ow! I Feel Good!

But some people want attention so bad they want you to see them angry at you.

That's what I take pride in in my stand-up, is changing things up. Being special.

Want to shut a racist white guy's mouth. Put him around Super human athletic black dudes.

Customs is punishment for those who travel. This will teach you for traveling to our country!

If Mandela were a comedian, I bet he would never get mad at a heckler, he'd give him or her a hug.

I used to think it was corny to be in love but actually it's corny to lose an awesome woman! Real talk.

You know, the energy I think I was just born with. I think I was just always like that as I kid; I was always real energetic.

I went to University of Illinois. Big school. 35,000 students. 800 black... I was the only black in every class. Hard to be absent.

I use profanity because I like profanity, but I'm not vulgar. Big difference. I love profanity because I really think profanity is cool.

I love when they show the really gay prisoner in prison shows. He's the cutest inside but you know on the street he would be the ugliest.

I observe everything around me and when something hits me and it's funny, that's what I talk about. I'm a more observational kind of comic.

The X-Games - I watch that; I'm not impressed. That's white dudes' desperation. They're running out of sports. They gotta find something that black dudes won't touch.

I think that sometimes I've been a little too nice. I think you have to have a balance. When you're too nice people take you for granted, they take you for a fool I think.

I think the audience should take away that it's okay to be smart, it's okay to be funny and well-learned. You can be from academia and be funny; you don't have to be an idiot.

The one thing you don't want to be is a sucky clean comic. I hate sucky clean comics! It's like Christian rock, bro. I'd rather listen to gospel and Christian rock. That's cheating!

Be happy with your stereotype. Asians - that's the stereotype I want. Being the smartest person in the world? You're the smartest, what are you complaining about? You know what I get? 'Wassup?

But there's times when I like to find the strange angles to something. People go, 'I heard a lot of jokes like that, but that's one of the most interesting takes I heard.' That's what I try to do.

I would say, as far as heckling, there's benign and there's malignant; like tumors man. Sometimes you get really nice hecklers. I'd say percentage-wise it's only about 10 to 20 percent the whole year.

I wish people would understand that comedy is an art form, and that the same thing that makes a Picasso painting is the same thing that gives Bill Cosby the ability to do an hour of comedy on his kids.

I was always the class clown, although many teachers view the class clown as a trouble maker. But I always had good grades, so the only thing my parents were told was that while I was intelligent, I talked too much.

My black friends in America don't believe me. I said, 'Dude, I'm Nigerian American.' 'Word? We thought you were, like, regular black.' What the hell is 'regular black'? Crayola coming out with colors I don't know about?

I want to be able to go into a room of aliens and be funny. I don't care who it is. I don't ever want to limit myself to a type of comedy because I don't want to be stuck. I want to be able to make anybody laugh and that's the key for me.

Even if you get a joke right you've done it a thousand times and sometimes there's times where it just doesn't work or someone doesn't agree with you. And I want to show that. I have had more hecklers because that's part of comedy is arguments, you know?

Immigrants have been coming here for a long time. The Americans that are afraid of others coming were immigrants once themselves, so they have a lot of nerve. We have a lot of nerve as a country. The only people that should have xenophobia are Native Americans. Everyone else should shut up.

I got into trouble a lot in school. They say you're a disturbance in class. You're a distraction, they're moving you around. You never really get rewarded in class for being funny. You're a disturbance. But the funny kid is often witty and clever and quick... they finally get a chance to express themselves when they get out of school.

You know what the bodega is? It's the little Latin store, and they try to act like it's a grocery store. It has two aisles. And the guy, he always tries to help me, 'You looking for the bread?' I was like, 'Dude, I can see it right here, alright.' He's like, 'Hey, hey, it's in aisle two.' That's all you got, what are you talking about?

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