I hid myself in food.

I shoot from the hip.

I've got nothing to hide.

I grew up in a funny way.

I am what I am. A fighter.

No one saw the recession coming.

I'm quite a chauvinistic person.

In any situation, location is crucial.

I'd like to think I'm a great teacher.

I came up from a difficult background.

Push your limit to the absolute extreme.

You don't come into cooking to get rich.

I cook for a living; I'm not a scheduler.

The problem with Yanks is they are wimps.

Being a chef is the best job in the world.

I'm actually not really a breakfast person.

It has always stood for f***ing great food.

I act on impulse and I go with my instincts.

I am the most unselfish chef in Britain today.

I swim like a fish and I have an amazing kick.

I didn't get depressed, I don't get depressed.

We have never done anything in a cynical fake way

When you cook under pressure you trade perfection.

There is a level of snobbery and fickleness in L.A.

You know how arrogant the French are - extraordinary.

I hate it when people just downright copy. I hate it.

I think pressure's healthy, and very few can handle it.

I won't let people write anything they want to about me.

It's vulgar, coming from where I do, to talk about money.

I am a chef who happens to appear on the telly, that's it.

Stay with what's happening locally. It's really important.

I am well aware that a chef is only as good as his last meal.

I was a naturally aggressive left-back, a cut-throat tackler.

I'm Gordon Ramsay, for goodness sake: people know I'm volatile.

If everyone could just cook properly I wouldn't have a problem.

Being a chef never seems like a job, it becomes a true passion.

There's no bigger pain anywhere in the world than a vegetarian.

We outsmarted ourselves and raised the bar even higher, I think.

I like finding talent. That's what really turns me on, I suppose.

If I relaxed, if I took my foot off the gas, I would probably die.

We're fragile, fragmented souls who are very sensitive to criticism.

The amount of customers who take pictures before they eat is insane.

Kitchens are hard environments and they form incredibly strong characters.

Best to start at the bottom & gradually climb up. It's much more fun, too.

I've had a lot of success; I've had failures, so I learn from the failure.

Being assertive and somewhat really firm has to be backed up with being fair.

Long Island for me, it's producing more chefs coming out of there than Paris.

I want my kids to see me as Dad, for God's sake, not a television personality.

Cooking today is a young man's game, I don't give a bollocks what anyone says.

It's amazing. Long Island, I don't know really. It's quite a fascinating area.

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