Doing nothing, badly.

Pity is cruel. Pity destroys.

Hate is a lack of imagination.

Failure too is a form of death.

Innocence is a kind of insanity

Fame is a powerful aphrodisiac.

As long as one suffers one lives.

You cannot love without intuition.

When we are not sure, we are alive.

Cruel men cry easily at the cinema.

Death was far more certain than God.

All good novelists have bad memories.

It's a good world if you don't weaken.

The problem of pretending to be alive.

One forgets so quickly one's own youth.

For a good man fame is always a problem.

We forget very easily what gives us pain.

Never presume yours is a better morality.

The world doesn't make any heroes anymore.

They think my mother's ashes are marijuana.

The trouble is I don't believe my unbelief.

Most things disappoint till you look deeper.

Destruction after all is a form of creation.

Love taught me that your honour did but jest.

I measured love by the extent of my jealousy.

We'd forgive most things if we knew the facts.

Heresy is another word for freedom of thought.

In a mad world it always seems simpler to obey.

There's a virtue in slowness, which we have lost

As long as nothing happens anything is possible.

A man kept his character even when he was insane.

A solitary laugh is often a laugh of superiority.

One can't love humanity. One can only love people.

Beauty is like success: we can't love it for long.

And when we love our sin then we are damned indeed.

Heresy is only another word for freedom of thought.

Reality in our century is not something to be faced.

Thrillers are like life, more like life than you are.

I'm tired and I'm sick to death of being without you.

I say that home is where there is a chair and a glass.

People who like quotes love meaningless generalizations

Human nature is not black and white but black and grey.

Happiness is never really so welcome as changelessness.

...every monologue sooner or later becomes a discussion.

What happens if you drop all the things that make you I?

Like some wines our love could neither mature nor travel.

I hate you, God. I hate you as though you actually exist.

She mixes religion with desertion to make it sound noble.

Media is just a word that has come to mean bad journalism.

Ordinary life goes on--that has saved many a man's reason.

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