Love is just the key to everything.

I became third in the U.S. as a junior pro surfer.

It's easier for a kid to have fun and have an imagination.

Love is the most ferocious and strongest force on the planet.

I got to work with Paul Walker. He's an angel. He was so sweet.

Kevin Eastman is like a Buddha, like the coolest thing in the world, like a rock star.

Gosh, I love saying Booyakasha! I keep finding new ways to say it. I love saying Booyakasha.

Gosh, I love saying 'Booyakasha!' I keep finding new ways to say it. I love saying 'Booyakasha.'

Ninja Turtles taught me how to meditate. They got me into martial arts. They helped make me who I am today.

I grew up watching Mickey Mouse and going to Disney World, like, 2,000 times. Mickey Mouse is like my guru.

I love saying "Booyakasha!" I keep finding new ways to say it. I love saying "Booyakasha." It means love will prevail.

I park two blocks away from Nickelodeon studios and I hop on my skateboard and I skateboard the rest of the way to the studio.

I love connecting with kids. I love connecting with children of all ages to keep their imagination active because that's the key to happiness and imagination and creativity.

Usually for cartoons, I record them in the mornings from 9 A.M. to noon, then I have the rest of the day to do on camera. It actually gives me time to work on my own projects.

I don't watch TV. Only while I'm doing it do I see it, really. So I don't know anything. I only know old reggae artists. So that's my thing. Old reggae artists and martial arts.

I'm a soul maker. I write songs. I'm making cartoon shows. I'm planning on putting stuff out myself on my own, on a TV station online. I'm not limiting myself. I'm doing it all at once.

There never could be a Booyakasha without a Cowabunga for me. They really do mean the same thing. Cowabunga is like "Bring it on!" and Booyakasha is like "Bring it on!" It's the same thing.

It's either I have to be in the trees or in the ocean, otherwise I lose my mind. I have to get connected with nature, otherwise I don't feel very good. And that's what life's about, feeling good, so nature knows best for me.

The Ninja Turtles made me who I am today in a big way. It was my favorite show as a kid. It got me into meditation, martial arts, speed boarding, and generally like the positive person that I am today is because of the Turtles.

Every Halloween for six years, I was a Ninja Turtle, and Mikey was my favorite. The turtles really made me who I am today. They got me into martial arts, meditation, surfing, skateboarding; big time influence on who I am today.

I love directing. I love creating things that I don't necessarily even have to be in. I like creating worlds. So I'm getting into writing movies and selling movies and television shows and creating worlds that then get to live beyond me.

I do as much outdoor stuff as I can. What I've done is I bought a house in the middle of Hollywood, but I live in the forest. I literally live in an area that looks kind of like where I camped as a kid, but in the middle of Hollywood. It's called Laurel Canyon.

'Turtles' was by far my favourite TV show when I was growing up. It would be the show that I would wanna watch more than anything. We'd record it on the big VHS tapes, and I'd watch it before school, after school, on the weekend, wear the costume, have all the weapons.

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