Humility is my forte.

AAP does secular politics.

AAP's Punjab Convener is not a rubber stamp.

We will eliminate the drug racket from Punjab.

My own father and grandfather served in the Army.

Punjab history is hardly taught to students in schools.

If the AAP comes to power, we will revise laws on road safety.

The gloom of Covid-19 has cast a shadow on the charm of Diwali.

Politicians have made people cry... politics has become a circus.

I am shocked that both the Congress and SAD make fun of comedians.

I bow only before Guru Granth Sahib. I am not a follower of any sect.

Ludhiana will again rise as Manchester of India if AAP comes to power.

I don't want to join politics as I am an artist, and let me remain so.

My father had to shift from the village because he didn't have a steady job.

We have to see the sufferings of Punjab and focus ourselves to address them.

The Punjabi industry lacks a lot in terms of good production houses and actors.

Just because something exists in the society, it doesn't mean it has to be correct.

My commitments are for Punjabi films - I want to work for the industry to uplift it.

For me, only freedom fighters like Kartar Singh Sarabha and Bhagat Singh are my fathers.

Farmer's plight and dismal condition of common man in Punjab forced me to join politics.

In real life my son plays cricket and I understand the worth a bat holds for the player.

I never thought of joining politics, but found AAP as perfect choice for someone like me.

Drugs, killer roads and apathy of the government, all these issues forced me to join AAP.

I keep asking my son about his cricket scores. I have worked hard for his passion for sports.

I'm not a politician. My conscience has brought me before you. Give me a chance to serve you.

The name 'Fojian' says it all. There was a time when each family had a person in the defence forces.

I feel sorry that whenever anybody raises his voice in the AAP in Punjab's interest, it is suppressed.

Every good looking and handsome boy goes to Mumbai first to struggle; he doesn't focus on Punjabi cinema.

I am upset at the way I was removed... With a heavy heart, I resign from the primary membership of the AAP.

I believe in Jai Jawan Jai Kisan - a country where the farmer is unhappy is on its path towards destruction.

When someone's eyesight is not right and he is asked to drive a bus then accident will certainly take place.

I have a better and more secure future in films, but I want to give back to the state that made me what I am.

Our governments have taught us that we should worship only two people - one is 'chacha' and the other 'bapu.'

I think with election conducted with pick and choose policy, injustice has been done to Punjab and Punjabiyat.

I have known Bhagwant Mann for many years, we have been colleagues and I am not upset with him as an individual.

The youth of Punjab is directionless in the absence of job opportunities which drag them deep into the drug net.

These days it takes a child nearly 20 years to find out that Superman, Batman will not come to his or her rescue.

Indian food has crossed boundaries but we have not been able to tell the world that it is best enjoyed with hands.

We will protect Punjab's right over its river waters and fight hard to get back Chandigarh and Punjabi-speaking areas.

I will also fulfill my profession commitments as an actor as I would not let the actor in me die after joining politics.

From Mahmud Ghazni to Ahmed Shah Abdali, Punjab was hit by marauders so many times that we have learnt to laugh even at death.

I used to host a show 'Ghuggi Express' on Zee Punjabi and it aired more than 130 episodes and I single handedly managed the show.

It's a historic moment for the Dalits of Punjab that party has released Dalit manifesto giving voice to their issues and concerns.

In Punjabi film industry I am given full freedom to change the lines according to the situation. Directors believe in my gut instinct.

Forming an alliance is not the tradition of the AAP and we will not fight elections in collaboration with any political party or front.

I had left my career to join the party. But now it has become difficult for me to continue and so I resign from its primary membership.

If you look at the way I dress and my personality, you would immediately recognize that I'm dedicated to Punjabi TV and movie industry.

I fought a long battle for Punjab but it could not succeed because the intentions of the people along with whom I was fighting were not clean.

Development is not that you make bridges, buildings or put marble floors in your house. Real development is building moral character of youth.

It's a gratifying feeling to be in the middle of so many people, speak to them on different issues, meet people from all walks of life in panchayats.

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