I like pushing myself.

When you dead, you dead.

I'm the luckiest man alive.

I'm not an ungrateful person.

I'm big into the Stone Roses.

I don't go to racers' funerals.

You can't argue with physics, mate.

I enjoy working on anything mechanical.

I can't stop biting off more than I can chew.

Racing's been good to me, but I'm bored of it.

I do all that TV stuff, and it's not real work.

I can sleep on a bloody washing line if I want to.

I like films, but I can't sit still for very long.

I should be paid to be a spokesman for Ford Transit.

I have a night job driving tractors on biomass farms.

I've never lived like a bloody rock star or anything.

I'm not an idiot. Everything is calculated that I do.

I've always had a proper job. I don't know anything else.

In my normal life, I am a private person doing a proper job.

There's no more expensive sport than racing bloody motorbikes.

People who race bikes don't talk about crashes. They keep going.

Life is all about setting yourself goals and then achieving them.

I know what a pound is, and I earn my £12 an hour, and that's great.

I'd never be disrespectful to road racing. The sport was good to me.

I love Scarborough. I think I have more wins there than anyone else.

Pike's Peak was the single best thing I've ever done in motorbiking.

As far as I am concerned, the Ulster Grand Prix is my favourite race.

I don't go out. I work, go racing, then go to my shed and make things.

Speed and danger don't always go together, but it's proper fun when they do.

The idea for the 'Speed' series was to break the record for the fastest push bike.

I'll always give it my all, and to be with a quality manufacturer like BMW is mega.

I broke five vertebrae, and they had to rod my spine because I broke my sternum, too.

A few people have said my granddad looks like me, but I reckon he's far better looking.

If you were to be put off by every little problem life throws at you, you'd get nowt done.

People deal with the concentration needed to do well in a two-hour race in different ways.

I've had sideburns since I was 16, but back then, a gust of wind would have blown them off.

It's bred in me that I only see real work as getting stuck in and getting your hands dirty.

We all buy our meat wrapped in plastic because we don't like to think about the animal that died.

Television opens up some bloody great doors. That's the plus. The minus is the attention it brings.

The only thing I keep from the races I've won are the handle bar grips from the bike, the rubber bits.

TV people are great folks, but if I said, 'Come and film a beetroot-jar-opening competition,' they would.

Road racing has given me a good life, and I'm not being cocky, but I've brought something to racing, too.

Going back because it's what I did and I was sort of all right at it is not a good reason to race the TT.

If you get beaten, and you know that you tried your hardest and kept your focus, then that's all you can do.

I'm fascinated by the whole communist thing. No one has a lot, but everyone is the same. I like that way of living.

I've been put under 8.5G in a stunt aeroplane. I felt all right. Well, I lost my vision, but I was still conscious.

My idea of splashing out would be buying a new spanner. I've got about 300 - you can't have too many in my opinion.

Dentists, doctors, surveyors from Latvia wanted to come to England, do anything to get away from the Soviet regime.

I'm a bit embarrassed about how little I know about the First World War. I didn't even know that tanks were used in it.

I was born in Grimsby and always lived around there, but it's died a death because of the loss of the fishing industry.

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