I love a cute work-to-play heel.

I am a sucker for a cute PJ set.

Not all face masks are created equal.

A healthy heart is the key to longevity.

I feel like 2015 is the year of wellness.

To unwind, I like to have a relaxing bath.

I try to get my workouts in in the morning.

It's unrealistic not to be able to indulge.

Vintage never fits the way you think it will.

A dermatologist you trust is your greatest weapon.

Growing up in Manhattan has given me a thick skin.

Dating a creative pushes me to think outside the box.

Vanilla is anti-inflammatory and reduces free radicals.

I love a good statement pant with a great heel and fitted top.

Don't get married to the idea of something having to be one way.

I'm a firm believer that you don't have to pick one career path.

Whether homemade granola or Matt's Munchies, I'm always snacking!

I've always been like a guinea pig when it comes to health trends.

My biggest issue is hyperpigmentation and evening out my skin tone.

I love everything from The Rolling Stones to Run-DMC to Nina Simone.

In an ideal world, I'm eating dinner at home before I have a DJ gig.

My mom taught me every dance move I've ever known to the Motown hits.

I'm prone to breaking out on my chest and back because I work out a lot.

When I have dinner, I get off my phone, smell my food, and chew it well.

Dates are great because they're a high-energy fruit with a lot of fiber.

I consider fitness, diet, and beauty to be essential to a balanced self.

I'm a huge foodie, but I'm also very conscious about what I put in my body.

I live a normal lifestyle, but I try to make healthy decisions while doing it.

There was always Helmut Newton coffee table books around when I was growing up.

There's nothing like starting the day with a healthy, filling breakfast smoothie.

I don't really use fragrance. I use essential oils, but not necessarily every day.

I can count on one hand the number of times I've done SoulCycle. I was not soul'd.

It's always fun to try non-traditional athletic wear with cutouts and fun textures.

If I'm running on my own, no one's holding me accountable, so I will stop and walk.

Ultimately, I want people to be inspired to go on their own journey of self-discovery.

When I shaved part of my head in 2007, I was not an anticipating the grow-out process.

I normally do a workout in the morning so I have the rest of my day to do what I want.

A change of season calls for a change of scent that is both energizing and refreshing.

Almond Mylk is a great source of omega fatty acids and fiber without being high in fat.

I feel like when things are really hectic it's important to carve out time for yourself.

I try to only go out twice a week. More than that would leave me feeling pretty run down.

My mother raised me as a vegetarian, but when I turned 18, I decided to expand my palate.

It is very important to moisturize your body! Your skin has a better glow when it's hydrated.

I'm a member at Equinox because I love the classes. I also enjoy hiking, swimming, and skiing.

I get a lymphatic massage every two weeks, and afterward, I have more energy and brighter skin.

I was a kid of the '90s, so I was always inspired by Gwen Stefani, especially the 'Spider Web' video.

Bananas are the base of all my smoothies! They are packed with potassium and give a solid base flavor.

Eating well and staying active is the necessary base to a clear complexion and a healthy body and mind.

If I'm wearing a vintage '50s-style dress, I'll wear some funky, wild shoes by a contemporary designer.

I've always been about the balance - not sacrificing one thing for the other and not being an extremist.

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