I've never been on a date.

Live TV would terrify anybody.

I worked at the United Nations.

I am passionate about human rights.

Take risks! I'm embracing bold prints.

Curvy is just a polite way of saying fat.

We all have our strengths and our failings.

I am a little obsessed with surprise kitty.

'Curvy' is just a polite way of saying 'fat.'

Flirting is funny. And it's awkward and weird.

Indian weddings, visually, they're so stunning.

I think eventually I'd love to get into directing.

Physical intimacy is easy. Emotional intimacy is hard.

I love to do Pilates, Bar Method, and spin. I'm addicted.

I have an extended family of close friends, guy and girls.

The Canadians kind of look out for each other a little bit.

My lashes are so long that if I don't curl them, I'm blind.

When people tell really good stories in songs, I really like it.

The hardest part of my job, daily, is to not laugh while we shoot.

An eyelash curler changes your entire face. It opens your eyes up.

If someone wants to take me on a date? I don't know if I'd say no.

That's my family; we have a very British sense of humour, very dry.

If I could travel back in time, I'd bring back the entire Wu-Tang Clan.

I should give a TED Talk about my TV-marathoning skills. It's my sport.

Once you get a kitten, the natural thing you do is take a billion photos.

You can't force chemistry. It's either there or it's not. You can't create it.

The greatest thing about 'New Girl' is that you never can predict what is next!

It comes down to personal style, and that's what's sexy and attractive in a man.

Working opposite Max Greenfield is the best job in the world. He's just incredible.

My life is so crazy! I learned early on to really embrace change and enjoy the ride.

Women are no longer being defined by where they were born or their colour. That's huge.

The song that makes me the happiest when someone sings it is Cher's 'If I Could Turn Back Time.'

I'm obsessed with karaoke, but I don't like to sing. I just like to go and watch amateur singers.

My mom used to call me a parrot, because the way I spoke would change in every country we'd go to.

People know not to mess with my friends or my family because it's not going to work out well for you.

It's always exciting when you love something and you get the opportunity to share it with more people.

I know quite a few friends who are models, and they're usually really smart, sharp, world-savvy people.

When I lived in India, I'd speak like an Indian to get good prices while shopping. I'm good with accents.

Millions of cats are in shelters across the country waiting for a loving parent or family to bring them home.

Clinique's Chubby Stick Moisturizing Lip Colour Balm in Chunky Cherry is perfect for people with my skin tone.

I think being called a cat lady is a compliment. It means you have adopted a tiny little maniac into your life.

While I was growing up all over, in all my different schools, I was always doing theater, auditioning for plays.

Everyone is your friend if you say yes, but say no and watch how they react. It's been a huge life lesson for me.

I also had a hosting position on a home and garden television show - which is a joke if you ever see my apartment.

Think about it: if the world could see how much adoption means from a cat's point of view, shelters would be empty.

I was born in England, but then I lived in Calgary, Saudi Arabia, Cyprus, India, Vancouver, London, Toronto, and now L.A.

I know that Liz Meriwether likes to keep things as honest and complicated as life can be, which is really fun for all of us.

That's so romantic, to wake up and find that he's packed a bag - and that for the next 48 hours, everything is taken care of.

I had two different degrees: One in International Relations/Political Science and another degree in Radio and Television Production.

All of my relationships have happened organically with people who are super cool and in my life and it just moved into a relationship zone.

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