Maple syrup makes you strong!

Every human life is worth so much.

Bodies are beautiful and should be appreciated.

I'm into fashion and designing clothes and stuff.

Putin is very - not the smartest guy in the world.

I love riding halfpipe. This is an amazing job to have.

I use products with coconut oil in them all over my skin.

When you surround yourself with nature, it's really powerful.

I've been striving for attention my whole life. Now I have it.

I still want to look good while training hard and throwing down.

I try to incorporate quinoa in unique and fun ways into most meals.

Clean water is such a treasure that we take for granted in America.

Fourth is the worst position to finish. You just missed the podium.

I'm moving into a yurt in the woods near my parents' home in Vermont.

Riding is my passion, but a very close second is sun, sand, and surf.

It was a no-brainer to get the Unified snowboarding race into X Games.

I feel like my role is to be one of those voices who reaches the youth.

I've been blessed to have enough to buy organic and have a house in Tahoe.

I'm motivated to keep going to keep making a difference in people's lives.

I didn't know football was so big. Obviously, it's huge in the United States.

I'm OK with people being naked. There shouldn't be a huge deal made about it.

Surfing waves of water or clouds of powder snow is the best feeling on earth.

I decided I want to represent the U.S. and show what snowboarding's all about.

You don't really get the full grasp of something until you see it for yourself.

I love the whole layout of Vancouver and the super-friendly people who live there.

It seems like an obligation if you have it so good. You have to spread the wealth.

Once I get my mind set on something, I want to see it succeed at the highest level.

I grew up in Vermont, so we didn't really have a TV, growing up, or a football team.

I come from a close-knit family, and I have four older brothers that have inspired me in so many ways.

It's so hard to see one of your friends fall, and it's a reminder that you have to be on and in the zone.

I think people forget that it doesn't take a big donation to help someone, just a lot of little donations.

Snowboarding is about having fun, pushing one another creatively, and not putting anyone down along the way.

Shaun White and Danny Kass were obsessed with trading Olympic pins. I bet they can say 'pin' in every language.

I've always felt really lucky and really privileged with my life, how I grew up, and the opportunities I've had.

My plant-based diet has opened up more doors to being an athlete. It's a whole other level that I'm elevating to.

I am a huge fan of quinoa, not only for its health benefits but because it tastes the best out of all the grains.

Sometimes, you need to revamp yourself over the winter, participate in things that make you appreciate what you have.

I am thrilled to be working with Shiseido and to be representing their incredible suncare, skincare, and makeup lines.

You want everybody to see snowboarding as it should be, looking phenomenal with everybody doing what they know how to do.

My goal from the beginning was, if I ever hit it it big, I would give back. And that continues to be my goal moving forward.

I grew up with a special-needs brother, and the separation from other kids is so extreme. We've got to break down those barriers.

The earth is one big interconnected entity. If you hurt a piece, you hurt the whole. If you hurt the people, you hurt the environment.

Usually, boycotts sometimes don't really accomplish anything besides the fact that you show you that don't agree with what's going on.

I always get super stoked to go to the Open, because it's in my home state. I get to stay in my parents' house and get to eat pancakes.

Guys with bigger boobs than I have walk around, and they're fine. If women were to do that, they could go to jail. That's totally wrong.

Americans are pretty next level with snowboarding. We have the best training facilities, the best coaches that push us to the next level.

It's great to have the opportunity to reach out to people that don't know much about snowboarding so they can see it and get stoked on it.

The concept of bettering yourself at the disadvantage of others is out the door, and the new one is to help one another while helping yourself.

Beauty, to me, is about being healthy and strong, both physically and mentally, and Shiseido products arm me with the protection and style I need.

The Unified races are so much fun and take you back to the roots of why you started snowboarding. It makes you feel grateful for all that you have.

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