Plays have been made of my comics.

Ordinary life is pretty complex stuff.

I'm a guy that likes to sit in one place

I'm a guy that likes to sit in one place.

Misery loves company. There's a lot to that.

Life is about women, gigs, an' bein' creative.

Every ethnic group thinks they are the chosen ones.

When you're dead, it robs life of many of it's pleasures

Letterman... he got his problems. We don't get along too well.

People will believe absurd things - in the 19th century and now.

Since about 1980 Kenny Werner has been one of jazz’s unsung heroes

I think comics have far more potential than a lot of people realize.

Im pretty aggressive, and maybe obnoxious, about trying to get work.

I don't mind if I show myself being cheap or unreasonable sometimes.

I'm pretty aggressive, and maybe obnoxious, about trying to get work.

You do not pursue potential conflict unless you hold power over your foe.

I came up with American Splendor. Some people think it's American Squalor.

Comics are words and pictures. You can do anything with words and pictures.

It makes you feel good to know that there's other people afflicted like you.

I'm always shook up and nervous and I've got the hospital record to prove it.

I realize that I'm pretty flawed, but you know - I haven't killed anybody yet.

I try and write the way things happen. I don't try and fulfill people's wishes

Everybody's like everybody else, and everybody's different from everybody else.

I try and write the way things happen. I don't try and fulfill people's wishes.

There hasn't been enough change in comics to suit me. I don't know why exactly.

People who are readers of fiction aren't particularly interested in comic books.

I think you can do anything with comics that you could do in just about any art form.

I've probably had my day in the sun. I think I've influenced a lot of comic book writers

I've probably had my day in the sun. I think I've influenced a lot of comic book writers.

Even a pretty traditional comic book writer can make valuable contributions to the Internet.

I think you can find all the elements that you can find in great literature in mundane experiences.

I'm trying to get every man involved in art, into experimental music, or painting, or novel-writing.

Of course I don't think I have it made by any means. I'm too insecure, obsessive and paranoid for that.

I like to go back over history and check out what people have written and whether I agree with it or not.

I continue to be disappointed that people don't try and diversify the kind of work they are doing in comics.

I think the people who would be the least interested in my work would be people who read lots of comic books.

I wanted to write literature that pushed people into their lives rather than helping people escape from them.

It didnt take long to establish myself, as far as people thinking my work was good. They liked it from the start.

I don't write about certain arguments I have with my wife. I'd get my head torn off if wrote about certain things.

It didn't take long to establish myself, as far as people thinking my work was good. They liked it from the start.

Some of the most valuable stuff I do has to do with my dissenting from the general opinion about people in movements.

I'm doing research for a large comic book on the Beat Generation guys - Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac and those guys

My work looks like a comic book in form, but it's not a typical comic book in content. I write autobiographical stuff.

I'm doing research for a large comic book on the Beat Generation guys - Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac and those guys.

I think that the so-called average person often exhibits a great deal of heroism in getting through an ordinary day . . .

I thought I had a great opportunity when I started doing my comic book in 1972. I thought there was so much territory to work in.

Things improved a little bit in the '80s; there was kind of a revival of alternative comics, but then they went downhill in the '90s.

I just continue to be kind of disappointed that people don't realize that and try and diversify the kind of work they are doing in comics.

It's real easy for me to write a lot of stories. I just go and I live through something, and I go home and write about it. It's that quick.

American Splendor is just an ongoing journal. It's an ongoing autobiography. I started it when I was in my early 30s, and I just keep going.

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