Be your own guide, follow your own movement.

I aim my music at the hip black hip-hop audience.

I'm not one of those pop guys. That's for wimps like Vanilla Ice.

I don't understand the difficulty, people; Love your brother, treat him as an equal.

Now 4th street park after dark is dangerous, might get clapped, if you look strange to us

His name is Michael Jackson, not Super Michael Jackson. He makes mistakes just like all of us.

This one's for you, and I truly hope you hear me, Through all your travels, I'm wishing you a peaceful journey.

The hardest thing for an artist to do is to let go. I don't wanna be the dude - if you come to my house, there are no pictures circa '86 in my house.

As an artist, there were different levels in my career that brought me to a realization that I am what you would call a pure artist. And I don't say that with any type of vanity.

Don't clock anybody, let them all clock you, Don't be down with anybody, let them all be down with you. Stay self-managed, self-kept, self-taught, Be your own man; don't be borrowed, don't be bought.

Reggae was always a passion of mine. I used to say in interviews that I would love to do a reggae album. But it consumed my life being a hip-hop artist and being Heavy D, which I'm happy and proud of.

I was in California the first time I heard Michael Jackson wanted to record with me. I was, like, 'Nah, no way, he's too big, it can't be true.' Then I got a call from Michael's people at my hotel telling me he was interested. But I still wasn't believing it - I thought they were setting me up for a TV practical jokes show.

There's something about being any kind of entertainer that is acting. You have to put on a show. Things you wouldn't do in your life, you do on stage. You have to let go. And that's extra hard for rappers. We have a tendency to, quote unquote, keep it real. As an actor, you have to be able to humiliate yourself. Do whatever it takes.

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