Talkers expand like bread dough.

If you’re not a sex object, you’re in trouble.

Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.

Feed the alligators and you get bigger alligators.

good girls go to heaven and bad girls go everywhere

Don't use men to get what you want in life. Get it yourself.

Get up and do it if it needs to be done, even if you hate it!

The only reason a man doesn't call is that he doesn't want to.

The prerequisite for making love is to like someone enormously.

You can have your titular recognition. I'll take money and power.

Work with the raw material you have, namely you, and never let up.

The faster you get back to people, the less brilliant you have to be.

You name it, we're out there with the latest and the best cutting edge.

You can have your titular recognition. I'll take the money and the power.

Beauty can't amuse you, but brainwork - reading, writing, thinking - can.

People never get tired of looking at beautiful pictures of gorgeous girls.

You know you can't hope yourself a better life - you must take yourself there.

Good posture is the one most important thing anybody can do now to look better.

When you meet a man, don't you always idly wonder what he'd be like in bed? I do.

Never fail to know that if you are doing all the talking, you are boring somebody.

My success was not based so much on any great intelligence but on great common sense.

Charm is the next best asset after looks and brains - and can almost make up for looks.

Money, if it does not bring you happiness, will at least help you be miserable in comfort.

Sex is one of the three best things out there, and I don't even know what the other two are.

After you're older, two things are possibly more important than any others: health and money.

Do what's in front of you as well as possible. Keep going until you realize what you're best at.

Never throw anything good away -- real wool, pure silk. Put it away and wait for it to come back.

One of the paramount reasons for staying attractive is so you can have somebody to go to bed with.

I think a single woman's biggest problem is coping with the people who are trying to marry her off!

If you do the best you can, no matter how bad the situation, you probably are going to come out okay.

There is no better way to get to know someone than to have an affair ... it can save years of lunches.

Never expect anybody - except possibly your analyst - to be as thrilled about your sex life as you are.

I think I'm a fairly average person, I think I have only a medium IQ. I didn't go to college, obviously.

My own philosophy is if you're not having sex, you're finished. It separates the girls from the old people.

Feeling insecure is good for you. It forces you to do something better, drives you to use all your talents.

Love doesn't drop on you unexpectedly; you have to give off signals, sort of like an amateur radio operator.

If I had to choose between sex and food, I would choose food, but I'd choose sex over nearly everything else.

Nearly every glamorous, wealthy, successful career woman you might envy now started out as some kind of schlep.

It's unrealistic to think you can only have one good product. People are not that poor. They can buy what they want.

The only thing that separates successful people from the ones who aren't is the willingness to work very, very hard.

I guess I'm a survivor. There are many of us survivors and any successful woman of my age has somewhat of that in her.

A man likes to sleep with a brainy girl. She’s a challenge. If he makes good with her, he figures he must be good himself.

I care. I care a lot. I think of Cosmopolitan all day, and I run scared. So it's a combination of fright, caring and anxiety.

Two warm bodies and one cold bottle of champagne will produce something more wonderful than would happen without the champagne.

I just had the idea that all the covergirls should be gorgeous, and not just interesting, not beautiful in an offbeat or exotic way, just plain yummy gorgeous.

We are told to value ourselves without feedback, but if nobody is making a pass at you or trying to take you to Bermuda, how are you supposed to feel? Confident?

There are not that many people who know how to edit. It's a funny tiny little obscure talent but it's very special. You have to have the feeling of popular taste.

Every morning when I'm thrashing around on the floor doing my solid hour of heavy exercises I'm not really doing that for anyone but myself. It makes me feel good.

Trying to describe a good marriage is like trying to describe your adrenal glands. You know they're in there functioning but you don't really understand how they work.

I guess anyone with a beautiful body, man or woman, loves to be looked at, but to admit such a thing is a little rough at times. That's why it's hard to get people to pose.

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