We love metal.

My sobriety is a huge deal.

I was a huge David Robinson fan.

I've always been into creative writing.

I was raised in Denver with the Nuggets.

I'm a huge Ray Lewis fan and Ravens fan in general.

I'm the biggest NBA fan you will meet in your life.

I just try to keep myself positive and really active.

I've never really been a social butterfly, so to speak.

Vinnie Paul was a very close friend of mine - he's gone.

I'm a blue-collar kid from Colorado. I grew up on a farm.

Anyone in recovery knows that isolation is the biggest enemy.

I meet these rock guys, these metal guys, and we are very real.

We've never tried to be anybody else but Five Finger Death Punch.

Playing for the troops is always an honor and seriously humbling.

We are absolutely going to do an acoustic tour. We are, sincerely.

I first heard Pantera after getting out of a detention center as a kid.

You go check out someone like Rammstein, man, and it changes your life.

If you dwell on yesterday, man, you're never gonna see tomorrow clearly.

There's a sense of family in Colorado; there's such a pride factor there.

My god, 'Vulgar Display Of Power' is still one of the greatest albums ever.

I want people to hear my lyrics and my melodies and say, 'That dude's in pain.'

Rob Halford is the person that I called a lot of the time when I was in recovery.

I've always liked underdogs who started out not so iconic but then really took off.

Growing up as a kid, I took creative writing classes, and I was always into poetry.

One of my first concerts ever was seeing Jethro Tull at Fiddler's Green, when I was twelve.

I would not change my career to be a pro athlete. A team could trade me and my band cannot!

My kids are everything to me and I never got to see 'em - I missed tons of moments and years.

Every wish, every dream, every idea comes to existence only through blood, sweat and sacrifice.

Media, politics, women, family, friends, good relationships, bad relationships, all inspire me.

Pantera is one of our biggest influences, as it should be for anyone who listens to rock 'n' roll.

Oh my God - if you wanna look up to somebody in this industry, start with Korn. That's my opinion.

You know, I mean, we're all made to wear these faces, you know, of what we think society would want.

We're tired of band videos where all you see is musicians playing in some random church or out in a desert.

First and foremost, just to work alongside an icon like Rob Halford, the Metal God, was absolutely surreal.

We've got the most loyal fans on earth and probably the most craziest fans I've seen since the Pantera days.

Some days I work out, some days I walk around the city. I don't know... It just depends on the mood, really.

It's really sad sometimes that you have to go to that extreme bottom to find your way back up, but it's true.

My mother raised me right - everything from Fleetwood Mac and the Doors to Pink Floyd and so on and so forth.

It hurts, man. When I watch people I love so much just deteriorate in front of me and I can't do anything about it.

Music for me was always life changing. So if I'm putting out crap music, then I have not done what I came to accomplish.

Well, for me, I was always attracted to frontmen - or artists in general - that were really passionate about what they did.

Most of us weren't born with a silver spoon in our mouth, but if life dealt you all the wrong cards, you still have to play.

I get a new CD, and it takes me a month just to get into the entire thing, where I start getting acclimated to it, so to speak.

When I decided to get sober, there were a lot of chemical imbalances that came along with that, physically as well as mentally.

There were patterns in my family that had to be broken, and I refused to live my life the way certain members of my family had.

I don't understand why some people get access to the universe and other people feel like they're meant to just be stagnant and fail.

Yeah, it's kind of tongue-in-cheek. You know, Five Finger Death Punch doing 'Mama Said Knock You Out.' It was just really funny for us.

When somebody's telling you you're godly and you saved their life, and this and that and the other, I'm going, 'Well, who's saving mine?'

When you hit the Midwest... it's just some passion - I don't know if it's in the water or what it is - but it's just embedded in these kids.

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