Pain is love.

There is only one me.

Word to God, we murderers.

I love music; it's my passion.

It's always good to be working.

Be very nervous of the shaky hands.

I've signed a few sneakers in my day.

Cuttin' taxes for strippers and thugs.

Jail is definitely not cool. Education is.

If pain is truly love, for my family I die.

I'm still waiting for the Lord to come hug me.

Every religion there's something foul going on.

Kill us today or you'll have to kill us tomorrow.

Money and good pussy's a fatal attraction for men.

I get mad quick and and go off at the handle quick.

And she's feeling like her worth is between her legs.

I'm married, I have three children, I never hit my wife.

I'm a keep running through the red light living my life.

I've done a lot of films that all have been pretty edgy.

Nobody loves me. Sometimes I wish God could come down and hug me.

The public makes it so that we have to keep assaulting each other.

I got started in 1995, working in a group called The Cash Money Click.

I just like music that I can relate to, something to listen to in my car.

The best decision I ever made, period, was to get into the music business.

Cold hearts don't bleed. Still they pray for eternity, never seeing tomorrow.

I love to see my family together. That's what life is about. It's about family.

I won't cry cause I live to die, with my mind on my money and my guns in the sky.

I don't want people to get confused. I'm not going to be putting out a gospel album.

My role now is as an artist and as a mogul to inspire and give others opportunities.

Music is my heart, but I see television and more movies in the next stage of my life.

Galley Molina's a great inspiration and role model for a lot of young kids out there.

Right now I'm on my God flow, you know what I mean? I got Job 1:21 tattooed on my chest.

As far as religion goes, I feel like everyone should have their own one-on-one with God.

These companies are in it for their dollars, and whatever is hot that is what they follow.

Right now, I'm pro-leave beef alone. Big shout-out to all the vegetarians who don't want beef!

I ain't done nothing wrong, but love thy self. And harm other niggaz that wanna stop my health.

I went through a lot of phases and studied many religions. I am not into religion, I am spiritual.

I got a cold feeling toward religion in general. I don't think God would want to separate families.

I feel like unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment, it blocks the flows of God's blessings in life.

Half the hoes hate, half them love me. The ones that hate me only hate me cuz they ain't [expletive] me.

As far as rap goes, I grew up in Hollis, Queens, so early influences were people like Run DMC and LL Cool J.

Broke with nothing to live for and damn ready to die young. I'm the shadow behind the gun, look what I've become.

People think being famous is so glamorous, but half the time you're in a strange hotel room living out of a suitcase.

I would love to do something like 'Beverly Hills Cop'. I'd get to be funny and cool and heroic all in the same breath.

I think I wanna do some action stuff down the road. I wanna kill some aliens. Something real fun, you know? Just a big, fun movie.

I want to be remembered as an artist who was really passionate about his work. And as an inspiration. I do what I do to inspire people.

Who made these laws? That's what I want to know. So that's why I wear two crosses now. I call it double cross. I believe in God-not religion.

The rules, religion to religion that man set forth, made me shy away from religion and have my own one on one with God and cut out the middleman.

I'm an adrenaline guy. I like to do stuff that gets my blood pumping, like roller coasters or jumping out of planes. I'm into all that crazy stuff.

Don't hang out in your old neighborhood with your new cars and flash it to guys who don't have that. The only thing you're doing is making 'em hate.

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