I'm an ass-kicking fat kid.

'Adapt and overcome' is my new motto.

You cant take good health for granted.

You can't take good health for granted.

I've been drinking and using since I was 13.

Kelly has a rather bad habit of interrupting.

I'm real clear, you know? There's no fogginess.

Kelly, there are people in Somalia who would die for a banana.

I'm going to get you a broken alarm clock so you'll get up in the morning.

I have a tendency to really stuff things — like, I don't really express certain feelings.

As long as I know my head's in the right place, my feet are on the ground, I think I'll be fine.

For a while I was suicidal and I tried to kill myself. I think I should have died about four times.

When my mum first told me she got sick, I didn't cry. I probably cried over my mum's illness twice.

It never crossed my mind that one day I'm gonna be big and famous and have my own TV show, you know?

I'm the kind of person that, if someone says, 'Oh yeah, you can't do that,' I want to then go do it.

I had my group of friends, you know, like my real group of friends, and then I had, like, party friends.

I didn't get at first put into a rehab facility; I got put in a adolescent psychiatric unit for my detox.

I have a tendency to really stuff things. I don't really express, you know? Like, express certain feelings and stuff.

Where I felt comfortable was being the one that everyone liked to party with. And it was kind of the way I could fit in.

I'd have to say that muaythai is something special. It's really demanding and it's becoming popular all around the world.

The strange thing is, no matter what, when you become some kind of public figure, you have your go-to answers for all scenarios and instances.

Just know this, if that day does come where I do win this mirrorball, know that I didn't just win it for me, but I won it for all of us with MS.

I took a bottle of pills. I'd been in Europe and I had a lot of absinthe and I was just drinking and drinking, trying to, you know, just shut my body down.

There's people outside our house; you get followed by photographers; you can't go out and have a cup of coffee with a friend without someone coming up to you.

I'd read things, like people criticizing me. But no one likes to read stuff about that, and probably the main thing that was getting to me was me mum's illness.

I don't want to come off like the jealous brother who wasn't getting the attention, but it was like no one was really into me anyway. I wasn't really a priority.

It's been real weird. It wasn't how I expected my life to turn out. Especially, mainly pertaining to the show. It never crossed my mind that one day I'm gonna be big and famous and have my own TV show, you know?

Dad was just an emotional wreck. He was drinking a lot of the time, he was smoking a lot of pot. And because he takes certain medications, the drinking was making him... you know, he wasn't even present, really.

If I have a problem, stuff's going through my head, I feel like using, I usually go and talk to my dad... I decided to get sober a lot younger than he did. He first tried to get sober when he was like 32, I believe.

I'm totally grateful for the fans my family has and I have; they gave me a lot of support when I was in treatment. But it was just odd, you know? It's stressful. Just the whole fact of being someone in the public eye.

I was hanging out with no one under 21. I thought that if I really wanted to fit in I had to... show them that I was in a way just as adult as they were, 'cause I could hold my own just as well as they could, if not better.

Diet is a big thing. I am a firm believer in you are what you eat. I juice a lot, I try and stick to a Paleo Diet. At its core, I look at MS as inflammation, so I try and eliminate foods that cause inflammation: dairy, gluten, grains.

Well, all I can say is, it's a day-by-day program, and so I'm very worried about relapsing, but I don't know. I don't want to use. I don't want to go back to that place because nothing good came of it. It was super dark; it's not nice.

When I got diagnosed, the more research I did about it - MS overall, as a subject, as a disease - there's a lot of misconceptions and there's a lot of unknowns about it, and there wasn't anyone out that was close to my age or close to anything like me out there.

I go to a meeting every day. I surround myself with people who don't use. I recently got back from Ozzfest and I caught myself in kind of a sticky situation where I was around a lot of people using, drinking and it was kind of - I didn't have the urge to use once, but I just knew I shouldn't have been there.

I had about four days of like, 'Pity party, woe is me, it's all over.' Then I did some research and spoke with doctors and got in contact with people who have MS, and I soon realized it's actually a lot more manageable than the kind of public perception of it is, and that's part of the reason why I've been so outspoken about it.

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