What does he stand for?

[Hollywood] hates America.

Never underestimate people.

Cajuns eat Italian on Sundays.

Campaigns are about adjustments.

I grew up in Carville, Louisiana.

My blood's not red or blue - it's brown.

I always wanted to be a sports broadcaster.

But I'd rather not predict. I'd rather affect.

I like being on the side of healthcare consumer.

It's our heritage: we Democrats, we dream a lot.

If you say three things, you don't say anything.

The only thing I'm running for is the state line.

I knew that manual labor wasn't the career for me.

My populism doesn't extend to my choice of hotels.

Democrats cluster in cities, and Republicans don't.

As we know the KGB is all over this election [2016].

Right-wingers don't want public education to succeed.

Washington is a dirty diaper. It's time for a change.

One of my favorite aspects of basketball is good passing.

All the wrong people are against it, so it must be right.

Sometimes a mind is like a mouth: you just got to shut it.

My mother, Ms. Nippy Carville, was a woman of many talents.

It is literally painful to watch Rick Perry as a candidate.

When you become famous, being famous becomes your profession.

You have to have sharp elbows if you want to change something.

I think the American people ought to take their democracy back.

Don't get mad. Don't get even. Just get elected, then get even.

I didn’t just experiment with marijuana – if you know what I mean.

No one will ever accuse James Carville of taking himself seriously.

Politics has become the great spectator sport of the United States.

Pennsylvania is Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between.

Ideologies aren't all that important. What's important is psychology.

I was against gay marriage until I realized I didn't have to get one.

The only politician in America I know with a man-date is Jim McGreevey.

We should not run away from religious teachings. We should run to them.

If Hillary gave up one of her balls and gave it to Obama, he'd have two.

You don't need a guidebook to see New Orleans - just a good pair of shoes.

Honestly, I enjoy nothing more than two Republicans going after each other.

I had a remarkably happy childhood; whatever scars I have are self-inflicted.

If you didn't have some sense of idealism, then what is there to sustain you?

Romney is an accomodationist technocrat who is an ideological pretzel of a man.

I love young people. I identify with them. It never was a goal of mine to grow up.

Drag a $100 bill through a trailer camp and there's no telling what you will find.

When I was a kid and L.S.U. lost, you didn't read the papers until, like, Thursday.

If you want to be angry at Gore, be angry at him for not fighting harder in Florida.

I always find it offensive when people say God showers riches on you if you're good.

The case could be made that Rick Perry is the worst debater to ever run for president.

We don't know each other. Democrats don't know Republicans, Republicans don't know Democrats.

The teachings of the Church line up more with the Democratic Party than the Republican Party.

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