There is a reason and not a reason for everything.

Subsidies have changed the way the nation behaves.

Government regulators are another name for police.

Never underestimate the incompetence of government.

No resource will flourish if managed by government.

It's not up to God for us to use the gift of faith.

Governments institutionalize something for nothing.

Self interest feeds more people than self sacrifice.

Going without a thing enhances the desire to get it.

Whatever you do without confidence will be done badly.

To enslave a people, give them money they didn't earn.

Faith puts the power of the universe at your disposal.

What is written is more influential than what is said.

At times life becomes too busy for religious thoughts.

The liberal agenda is the blueprint for national ruin.

Most everything government does is worse than useless.

The eyes of the owner can see what no one else can see.

The power of faith to ease our suffering is God's love.

People are always receptive to the idea of a conspiracy.

God has the experience that comes from billions of years.

Those who help the poor the most also hurt them the most.

Love of country is nowhere the same as love of government.

It's not capitalism that's failing the U.S. but socialism.

No role in life is more important than to be a good mother.

In any given age it is only a few extremists who are right.

Advice from others is always filtered through self interest.

Rich grandparents get more attention than poor grandparents.

Suffering over something is proof positive of its importance.

A thinker reverses roles and sees the perspectives of others.

Whenever you have something nice someone will try to ruin it.

Better to have something to say than to have to say something.

Those who think profit is a dirty word should try to make one.

It's easier to have faith in yourself if you have faith in God.

Nothing in life is guaranteed, including government guarantees.

Gifted women musicians and composers rarely received their due.

Money will always turn up when there is a potential for profit.

Once you're in heaven it makes no difference when you got there.

The thing that distinguishes permanent poverty is bad character.

A business owner who is liberal probably inherited the business.

It's impossible for a dishonest person to grow rich in business.

Bureaucracy by its nature resists change and nullifies progress.

You cannot rectify grievances from the past with today's charity.

Governments without separation of powers commit the worst crimes.

It's nearly impossible for a criminal to come from a good mother.

Socialism is the triumph of people's prejudices over their reason.

When politics is elevated over business, economic disaster follows.

Inflation makes the wealthiest people richer and the masses poorer.

The universality of tattooing is a curious subject for speculation.

Welfare corrupts the lower class much faster than the middle class.

Government does the least good and the most harm through subsidies.

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