There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different ...

There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.

By endurance we conquer.

Good times weaken belief.

People rarely use advice.

With knowing comes caring.

Suffering perfects the soul.

Gasahol is socialism's fuel.

Inequality promotes progress.

Optimism is true moral courage.

Adventure is just bad planning.

When things are easy, I hate it.

Hiring quotas reduce efficiency.

Taxes are a penalty on progress.

Liars seldom believe anyone else.

The more welfare, the more crime.

I am not in any hurry to grow up.

Optimism is the true moral courage

Great God! This is an awful place.

Each man in his way is a treasure.

I will find a way out or make one.

Risk is the salt and sugar of life.

People will protect what they love.

Without memory there are no worries.

Winners are born, Champions are made.

No water, no life. No blue, no green.

Struggle is the architect of the soul.

Easier will always win out over harder.

One life is an absurdly small allowance.

Doubt makes us reaffirm what we believe.

Better to build orphanages than prisons.

Socialism was made to order for tyrants.

To wait idly is the worst of conditions.

Health to the ocean means health for us.

Never before have we known what we know.

Nearly all trouble comes from mis-timing.

Management is simple, innovation is hard.

You can't suffer over two things at once.

Employers know the nature of people best.

Beware the person who is on a hot streak.

It is not too late to turn things around.

I personally have stopped eating seafood.

It's all experience; not anything original

Prayer is futility when compared to belief.

Winning a lottery may prove to be bad luck.

The government is worst which governs most.

Protect the ocean and you protect yourself.

Slowly but surely the sea is freezing over.

Time flies when you're running out of money.

Taxes cause the most bad business decisions.

I find the lure of the unknown irresistible.

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