I'm cautious about a lot of words

I'm cautious about a lot of words.

Teachers today can't take to a child.

It's very hard to know what wisdom is

It's very hard to know what wisdom is.

Fear is a huge thing for older people.

I don't have answers. I have questions.

By seeing differently, we do differently

We dull our lives by the way we conceive them.

We forget that the soul has its own ancestors.

Depression opens the door to beauty of some kind.

I don't think anything changes until ideas change.

Many of our troubles are chronic. Life is chronic.

I don't think you can revive traditions on purpose.

We carve out risk-free lives where nothing happens.

Without time for loss you don't have time for soul.

Anything you attend to carefully can bring blessing.

The transfiguration of matter occurs through wonder.

We cannot be studied or cured apart from the planet.

Any symptom can force you to go deeper into some area.

We need to work on the world so it will not be so oppressive.

Words, like angels, are powers which have invisible power over us.

Just stop for a minute and you'll realize you're happy just being.

It's very important for men to look downward, to the next generation

The gift of an image is that it provides a place to watch your soul.

It's very important for men to look downward, to the next generation.

It is impossible to see the angel unless you first have a notion of it.

You don't know what you're going to get into when you follow your bliss.

Psychology is ultimately mythology, the study of the stories of the soul.

Economics is a slave-driver. No one has free time; no one has any leisure.

Vessels expose the invisible Zeitgeist, the visible formed by the invisible.

I can no longer be sure whether the psyche is in me or whether I'm in the psyche.

Pathology is not a problem to be solved, but the soul's way of working on itself.

I tend to think that you fulfill your own destiny, whether you realize it or not.

It's better to go into the world half-cocked than not to go into the world at all.

I think we're miserable partly because we have only one god, and that's economics.

We are human less by virtue of our ideal goals than by the vice of our inferiority.

To hope for nothing, to expect nothing, to demand nothing. This is analytical despair.

Calling can refer not only to ways of doing - meaning work - but also to ways of being.

Each person enters the world "called," like an oak tree, to fulfill their soul’s agenda.

The moment the angel enters a life it enters an environment. We are ecological from day one.

We can't change anything until we get some fresh ideas, until we begin to see things differently.

In the cosmology that's behind psychology, there is no reason for anyone to be here or do anything.

We have to give value to authority. We have to give value to office, being in office, holding office.

Follow the lead of your symptoms, for there’s usually a myth in the mess, and a mess is an expression of soul.

It's the only way we can get out of being so human-centered: to remain attached to something other than humans.

Reconnecting to the animal means getting to a more sensitive, more artful and more humorous place in the psyche.

If you are still being hurt by an event that happened to you at twelve, it is the thought that is hurting you now.

I've found that contemporary psychology enrages me with its simplistic ideas of human life, and also its emptiness.

Our lives are determined less by our childhood than by the traumatic way we have learned to remember our childhoods.

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