Somebody said the key to life is to work hard, play hard, rest hard, and I've pretty much adopted that.

You love him so much it feels like you can't go on without him. You feel like you might die without him.

Fang! Angel?" i yelled, not even trying for stealth. i was storming the castle, not stealing the jewels.

You're lucky if you find something you like to do, and it's a miracle if somebody will pay you to do it.

When you go out to Hollywood, it's like, "Here's the book. It is what it is. It'll always stay the same."

Seize what's been handed you. Make smart decisions. Make decisions because life is a temporary situation.

I mean, who cares about SpongeBob SquarePants? I'm sitting here with Wolverine! -random kid talking to Ari

Angel screeched with fury and despair to the empty walls around her. "I'm human, do you hear me? It hurts!

It was like meeting someone out of your dreams, or fantasies, or a beloved character from a favorite book.

We're famous" iggy whispered so low that Fang could barely hear him. "So's Swine Flu" Fang whispered back.

I'm not a writer's writer. I'm not a craftsman. I could be, and that would be a one-book-a-year operation.

Are you fangalicious? -Jess, a random blogger I could never be as fangalicious as you'd want me to be.-Fang

"Disappear where?" You know what they say: curiosity killed the mutant bird kid. But I couldn't help myself.

Is dere anysing special about you? Anysing vorth saving?" Besides my fashion sense? I play a mean harmonica.

So Fnick, can I change channel?" Iggy asked. "There's a game on." "Make yourself at home, Figgy." Fang said.

And there I was, pretty as heck, brown eyes, a few freckles, fashion challenged, and a bad attitude. Max II.

I don't believe in lecturing people. It's much more effective to present reading as a fun, rewarding pastime.

Is it important to be right or is it important to do what's right? That's one of the hardest lessons to learn.

This is not a democracy," I said, understanding he fear but unable to do anything about it. "It's a Maxocracy.

My thing is when we're doing a movie or TV show, I just want to go in and look at it and go, "That was great."

All genders?' whispered Nudge. 'Aren't there just the two' I shrugged. 'No idea. Maybe they've created others.

Fang: When do I get out of here? Max: They say a week. Fang: So, like, tomorrow? Max: That's what I'm thinking.

He's gonna be fine," I confirmed. Can we see him?" Iggy asked. Ig, I hate to break it to you, but you're blind.

I’ve been listening to how the Roman Empire fell and all I can say is, it didn’t fall nearly fast enough!”-Iggy

When its true, when it's right, love can give you the kind of joy that you can't get from any other experience.

The hardest part about parenting is when I have to be The Dad--aka the Fun-Sucker--as opposed to being a friend.

How is San Francisco, Alex? Lovely city. Will you leave your heart there? Do you think it's a good place to die?

What test?" Asked Nudge. "Max, you're incorruptible." "Only by power." I said. "You haven't tried chocolate yet.

Right now, America looks like a fatheaded, shortsighted, gas-guzzling arrogant blowhard to the rest of the world.

I'll just ask now: What is it about my persona that draws every insane, power-hungry nutcase to me like a magnet?

guess they forgot to program us with any respect for authority." "well, I have a highly developed sense of irony.

Yes. I owed my life, Angel's life, and my mother's life to a mutant's ability to create industrial-strength snot.

I was always a good student, but I didn't read that much until I was 18 and I was working my way through college.

Sometimes being a leader isn’t about winning. Sometimes it’s about doing what’s right, instead of what’s powerful.

Fang (sarcasticaly): Go pick out a tree and I'll carve our initials in it. Max: (screams and goes in the bathroom)

I have a folder in my office with about 400 ideas in it. So it will take me another 40 years to get through those.

We’ll be back!” he snarled. It was really Ari’s voice. Boy, you just can’t kill people like you used to,” said Fang

Great, they give blind kids guns," I said, trying to lessen his horror. "I don't even let Iggy have a gun. Usually.

So there you have it, the extent of my charms: brown hair and eyes like unbarfed chocolate. I'm a lucky girl." -Max

You're children. Don't you want a home, a family?" "With, like, vitamin-fortified cereal and educational television?

I love Nudge, Nudge is a great kid, but that motormouth of hers could have turned Mother Teresa into an ax murderer.

When I write I pretend I'm telling a story to someone in the room and I don't want them to get up until I'm finished.

I'm a freaking princess when it comes to other people's feelings. Yo dogbreath, get your paws of the everglades. -Max

What are you guys doing? If you anted me to take a shower, all you had to do was pay me ten bucks, like you usually do

Who, last time I'd checked, was still on our official archenemy list. (Yes, we have to keep a list. It's kind of sad.)

If Fang is in any way harmed while I'm gone-if he gets a hangnail-you won't see another morning. Are we clear on that?

The receptionist looked us over, then went back to typing something incredibly urgent—like her résumé́ for another job.

I knew my transformation was complete when Dr.Keyes asked, "How are you feeling today, Tandy?" and I responded "I'm not

My style is colloquial storytelling. It's the way we tell stories to one another - it's not writerly, it's not overdone.

I have an idea. It’s risky, and Max will kill us when she finds out.” Iggy raised his head. “Sounds like my kind of idea.

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