Angel wanted them all to burn in h-e- double toothpicks forever.

Do you like to eat things? -I love eating. I list it as a hobby.

and I think that everything in life is kind of unreal, isn't it?

I don't damsel well. Distress, I can do. Damseling? Not so much.

Here's a freebie: Don't play poker with a kid who can read minds.

I was crazily, deeply, incredibly, joyously, terrifiedly in love.

Stop trying to write sentences and start trying to write stories.

you're a diabolical little pyro, aren't you? He blushed modestly.

Some poeple just don't have what it takes to appreciate a cookie.

Don't ever leave me again." -Max I won't. I won't not ever." -Fang

Holy [Insert your choice of a swear word here]," said Fang stunned.

Who ya gonna call?" "Ghostbusters!" "That phrase is ruined forever.

Sometimes he seems like a droid--or a drone. Fang of Nine. Fang2-D2.

I don't smile as much as I should, even though I smile inside a lot.

Well, I get under people's skins. It's a gift I have, what can I say?

Basically, I have two speeds.... Hostile or smart-aleck. Your choice.

She had a lot of hugs to give, but not enough people to give them to.

Fang, fang. I love you. I looooove you. I love you thiiiiiiiiiis much!

Don't depend on others to give you strength....Find it within yourself

A boy and a girl, fated to rule all. Two will rise, and One will fall.

You know things have gone bad when military marches pass for pop music.

Lots of women are gifting themselves with diamonds for their right hand.

My, g**, he was as strong as a team of oxen. That would be strong right?

I'm way hot," he muttered. "But I don't feel sick. Just — way hot." Fang

Fang was going to kill me. And after I was dead, he would kill me again.

WARNING If you dare to read this story, you become part of the Experiment

...Drifting downstream in a row boat doesn't count against your life span.

So the first thing we're gonna do," I told him, "is push you off the roof.

I led the way toward the crowd, trying to look casual, like, Fly? Me? Nah.

We try not to encourage demonstrations of his mastery of the gaseous arts.

Being the leader means you have to make life or death decisions sometimes.

Homework is a term that means grown up imposed yet self-afflicting torture.

Half the time when brothers wrestle, it's just an excuse to hug each other.

Life can be like walking on a high wire. Falling seems a tiny misstep away.

I've been looking for you a long time, I just didn't know it. But now I do.

The weird, weird thing about devastating loss is tha life actually goes on.

When your own romantic life is falling apart, everyone else's looks fabulous.

Yeah, well, asparagus is good for me, but it still makes me want to throw up.

I didn't know a van could go up on two wheels like that, for so long." -Nudge

I wouldn’t trust you if you were the last life raft leaving the Titanic.”-max


Yes," I said. "My name is seven-five-nine-nine-three-nine-ex-dash-one. Junior.

Even needing to get to Angel, we couldn’t forget the basic necessity of eating.

Six Seconds should be Rick Mofina's breakout thriller. It moves like a tornado.

Knowledge is a terrible burden. It may help you, but it might also destroy you.

Can you giggle while racing for your life and protecting a six-year-old? I can.

Yes, Max, you are going to die. Just like everybody else. Thank you, Confucious.

You really are a scary man,no really! If I had boots I would be quaking in them.

This is my brain: O This is my brain after making out with Fang: * It's very sad.

There's a saying I remember from my grandmother: One today is worth two tomorrows.

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