I like to dance disco.

I went to drama school.

My dog's name is Harold.

Do you know I'm a sex symbol?

I always imagine babies crying.

I'm not ready to rush into marriage.

Frankly, I see myself as a bit of a clown.

I was just hoping to have the freedom to do my work.

I have my mountain man moments like hiking in the woods.

I'll always be a small-town boy from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

There's hardly a single show that doesn't have a Canadian on it.

I have the thickest accent of any Nova Scotian you've ever imagined.

You can't train a penguin to act. You kind of have to take what you get.

I got really into 'North of 60,' and I'll still watch reruns of 'Da Vinci's Inquest.'

I've done a lot of different characters, but people never recognize me. I'm not joking.

I've watched people in these movies like Bradley Cooper in 'Yes Man' become these giant stars themselves.

It's one of the things about being a person with a public presence, to get to lend your name to a worthy cause.

Animals have a very clear spirit, and they are so open to the world around them that they can easily be mistreated.

There's something really comforting when you can truly connect with someone and be understood. Isn't that what we all want?

Suddenly, relationships go topsy-turvy, and guys often don't understand what's going on. I think a lot of men are in that boat.

It's fun to solve a mystery, but it's even more fun to watch two people kind of dance around a relationship and be playful with each other.

If you get to participate with a group of artists and make something that's really truthful, that's about the highest you can go, in my opinion.

My family and friends back home can't believe this boy from Dartmouth is on the TV. They sit there and say, 'What's he doing up there? Good Lord.'

When people are supporting each other and trying to get the most creative energy, it just creates a much better project and there is a feeling of success there.

When you think you're a really good person, you're actually capable of doing some real harm to people, either knowingly or unknowingly. It's the big little lie that we all live in.

I struggled and I did theater for 10 years, for 15 years, I tried to get little parts here and there in TV shows. So, for me, the opportunity to work with Jim Carrey was amazing, it was phenomenal, it was eye-opening.

HBO spends almost a month perfecting an episode. They shoot at the same speed that you would shoot a major motion picture, and they give you all of the things that you need to succeed. They really do support their artists.

I knew I wanted to be an actor the first time I thought it wasn't going to be possible and decided to go another way. I was filled with this incredible sadness - and every time my life led me away from it, I fought to get back to it.

I told you, I have done a lot of projects and as often as I run into someone who recognizes me from something else, I run into someone who is like 'You're on Grey's Anatomy' and I have only been on for seven episodes. It's kind of amazing.

I think Hallmark is doing this really exciting thing right now, where they buy a series of books, they're books for young adults, or adolescents, and they're really fun Agatha Christie-style mysteries. I actually signed on for three of them.

I was working on this bedroom, and from where I was, in the beating hot sun, I could see Madonna's castle on the next ridge over. It was hilarious - there I was, this Maritime carpenter, staring at Madonna's castle. So it's been a windy road.

People ask me all the time, 'Are you intimidated, working with strong women?' I'm like, 'No, I'm thrilled. I'm a strong dude. I'm thrilled to work with someone who knows what the heck they're doing, and brings a lot of cool, fun stuff to play with.'

I would say, 'It's not very fa-her to the ca-her.' They would say, 'It's not very far to the car.' I just didn't hear it and it took me forever, but I finally did learn the variations in my tongue and how to make an American sound, and I feel confident with it now.

I grew up in Nova Scotia, and my uncle lived close to the Bay of Fundy. We would walk across the mud flats out to an island, and then you'd climb a cliff and be in the forest. And if the water came in, the basin would fill up with, like, a 30-foot tide. It was phenomenal.

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