Light itself is a revelation.

Las Vegas is about distraction.

I want people to treasure light.

I sell blue sky and coloured air.

Light knows when you're looking at it.

We create the reality in which we live.

I am involved in the architecture of space.

We eat light, drink it in through our skins

Art does, to some extent, follow economics.

My art has no object, no image, no point of focus.

I am interested in the physicality of light itself.

There aren't many artists who can feel sorry for me.

Art history is littered with work that involves light.

I’ve always felt that night doesn’t fall. Night rises.

When you’re O.C.D., you want the most beautiful animals.

I am not an Earth artist, I'm totally involved in the sky.

Planets' orbits are elliptical. It's a very pleasing shape.

I wanted to deal with light directly rather than with paint.

I live in the sky as a pilot, so it has great meaning to me.

I apprehend light - I make events that shape or contain light.

I don't know if I believe in art. I certainly believe in light.

It's possible to gather light that's older than our solar system.

We use the vocabulary of light to describe a spiritual experience.

Science strives for answers, but art is happy with a good question.

The Quakers don't believe in music or art; they think it's a vanity.

All art is contemporary art because it had to be made when it was now.

It's really terrific to see Pittsburgh recognize the Mattress Factory.

There was a time when I restored antique planes to support my art habit.

At my first exhibits, people were saying that's just a light on the wall.

This idea that light plays an important part in our life is important to me.

Light is not so much something that reveals, as it is itself the revelation.

If you just add all the time, add more and more light, it loses its meaning.

In age of consumerism and materialism, I traffic in blue sky and colored air.

Color is just in a small area of our vision, and the rest we add with the mind.

I don't think my work is about the spiritual life, but it certainly touches on it.

I've always wanted to make a light that looks like the light you see in your dream.

I have high expectations of my audience, and in general, I would say they've met that.

I'm interested in light. It's a very direct, pragmatic, American, rather naive approach.

I am interested in relating the things we see with the things we see with our eyes closed.

New York has changed amazingly; it's gentrified everywhere, and it's a much gentler place.

We think we receive all that we perceive, but in fact, we actually give the sky its colour.

We live within this reality we create, and we're quite unaware of how we create the reality.

I'm working to bring celestial objects like the sun and moon into the spaces that we inhabit.

There are very few religious experiences that aren't explained using the vocabulary of light.

My desire is to bring astronomical events and objects down into your personal, lived-in space.

With no object no image and no focus, what are you looking at? You are looking at you looking.

It was important that people come to value light as we value gold, silver, paintings, objects.

Nowhere in the job description of an artist is the requirement that I must validate your taste.

The lunar cycle within the solar season: that kind of syncopated rhythm is what life relates to.

It is only when light is reduced that the pupil opens and feeling goes out of the eyes like touch.

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