We are human beings, not ants.

Listen: I'm OK cute. I'm no stunner.

Sometimes, things are just exercises.

I smoked for many years like a total idiot.

Please make me either relatable or terrible.

In the wintertime I like macaroni and cheese.

An ellipsis is a giant ocean of possibilities.

Cooking skills aside, my mother is an exceptional nurturer.

I'm from the Midwest. We like to know who our neighbors are.

I have watched Occupy Wall Street mostly from the sidelines.

Anything by Lorrie Moore speaks to a certain kind of person.

My love can be easily bought with a steak from Peter Luger's.

I'd love to be able to write crazy epic plots. I'm working on it.

There are generations of people who don't know how to eat properly.

Does everything in this life begin and end with Judy Blume? Perhaps.

I won't go anywhere near the new Times Square. It's seizure-inducing.

When does an object become a symbol? All I know is you cannot force it.

Many online journals get the most hits of the day during the lunch hour.

There's something to be said for an author who clearly respects a reader.

No matter how much money I made from writing, I'd keep the bookstore job.

No matter how many feminist tracts you read, you never forget what boys like.

The best thing about the Web is the sound of all the individual voices rising.

Wouldn't that be nice if we could all afford to just freely pursue our dreams?

I find that short stories are almost like palate cleansers or brain cleansers.

I find that short stories are almost like palate cleansers, or brain cleansers.

People judge you because of your weight and your food issues. It's very visual.

I make up stories about people who are either imaginary or some variation of myself.

What's the point of having a book club if you don't get to eat brownies and drink wine?

I think when you first start out, you're writing books that are about your immediate place.

My parents are still married. They don't weigh 350 pounds; they go to the gym all the time.

In 1998, I started a blog, something I could control very easily and update at my own whim.

I had always loved life on the road. It was just something that appealed to me very deeply.

I can act like a boy as much as I want, but when I wake up in the morning, I'm still a woman.

With apologies to all my past boyfriends, I never loved a man the way I loved my old apartment.

I love doing readings. I could really give a crap about reviews. It's kind of about the readers.

I'm not that much of a researcher. I'm good at channeling characters, and I'm good at structure.

I don't know if I had ever found my place in the world until I fully committed to being a writer.

I wish I could write while I'm on the road but it never works for me. I need to be sitting still.

Studying writing to me means reading and also rewriting obsessively. That's the best way to learn.

The interesting thing about overeating or being obese is there's this physical manifestation of it.

I love reading books that you can't put down, and they just take you over for a night or a weekend.

What a character eats is a detail - like eye color or a favorite song. But food is also our lifeblood.

Smart, sharp, and hilarious, Slaughterhouse 90210 is the perfect pick-me-up and never-put-me-down book.

Food and love are all intertwined at our core level. It can be a very nurturing, wonderful, loving thing.

I wrote a novel. It's called 'The Middlesteins.' It's fiction. It's not a memoir. I'm not a spokesperson.

The fascinating thing about food is that if you have issues with it, you have to face it every single day.

In your 40s, you shed those who bring you down and surround yourself with the most positive people you know.

In 'The Odyssey,' every feast is extremely ritualized; high-status individuals even get a better cut of meat.

Maybe I wouldn't hit three fast food restaurants in a day, but I could hit one in a day. I try not to do that.

I don't pretend for a second that I'm that great of a person on a day-to-day basis. I'm a deeply flawed human.

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