My mom said I was a handful. Now I'm helpful.

You can't live a truthful life without regret.

I'm a tidy, neat person. But I'm not a maniac.

Actually, the books were never a planned career path.

I've been happily married to Chris for almost 20 years.

I love performing and pretending - it's very easy for me.

When I know something I like, I just want to replicate it.

Because I know I'm an addict, and I know I'm an alcoholic.

We are all born worthy. Worthy of love, worthy of success.

Don't judge a book by its cover 'til you've read the book.

To make new friends you have be willing to put in the time.

If you just watch a teenager, you see a lot of uncertainty.

I've always put my family first and that's just the way it is.

It's not that I'm retired, I just no longer accept acting work.

It's not that I'm retired; I just no longer accept acting work.

Kids are going to try drugs and alcohol; that's part of society.

It was during a cosmetic procedure that I first had painkillers.

The more I like me, the less I want to pretend to be other people.

I can play rhythm guitar. I know how to hold a guitar and strum it.

I thought, while they're up and firm, why not shoot them once or twice.

I have very short hair. It's the only cute haircut I think I've ever had.

If I'm honest I don't think the world would miss me if I never acted again.

Life is not supposed to be this calcified experience where you don't change.

My life is so filled with my children, my family, and the charitable work I do.

Recovery is an acceptance that your life is in shambles and you have to change it.

Pilates is the only exercise program that has changed my body and made me feel great

Getting sober was the single bravest thing I've ever done and will ever do in my life.

Exchange the words 'have to' with 'get to.' Exchange the word 'can't' with 'unwilling.

There is a point when you aren't as much mom and daughter as you are adults and friends.

I've been in showbusiness all my life, but as an actress I have never been overly driven.

I too was a little embarrassed by my recent topless 'scandal' and the subsequent parodies.

I'm going to look the way God intends me to look... with a little help from Manolo Blahnik.

I'm a disciplinarian. I'm the tough love pet owner. I believe in very well-behaved animals.

Being a parent is a weird juggling act - and nobody does it right. Everybody does it wrong.

I'm never going to be an athlete, never going to be running triathlons - I'm not that person.

Well, I could do it for a day, but I wouldn't want to be a teenager again. I really wouldn't.

I'm a performer. I've just been one since I was a little girl. I used to pretend all the time.

I actually think there's an incredible amount of self-knowledge that comes with getting older.

The only two questions that need to be asked each day are: Did I live wisely? Did I love well?

I try to go to the gym three times a week. And I have to watch what I eat. I'm a normal person.

I used to dream of being normal. For me, if Kirk Douglas walked into the house, that was normal.

I barely got out of high school and I look back at my life often and go, "Wow, this was awesome!"

I'm not a prophet. I'm not a teacher. I have no degrees. My degree is from the University of Life.

I barely got out of high school, and I look back at my life often and go, 'Wow, this was awesome!'

I'm uninterested in superheroes. I am only interested in real stories, real people, real connection.

By the way, food and rent aren't the only things around here that cost money. You sleep on the couch.

Being an actor, you are recognized for being somebody else, whereas these books are distilled from me.

I feel very positive where I never did before, and I think that's all a direct result of getting sober.

All the work built my fame and certainly made me more money, but the toll it took in my home was not good.

I recommend it to all people: Get down on the floor and look at the world from where the child looks at it.

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