I was one of the smaller kids growing up.

I'm a winner, and that's all I believe in.

I believe that I'm a complete receiver all-around.

Do I lack speed? Yeah, but a lot of guys lack speed.

I feel like I've been proving people wrong all my life.

A lot of thought and effort goes into the outfits that I wear.

I'm a firm believer that you can only get better by working hard.

I'm not much of a talker. When I do talk, it takes a lot for it to come out.

I think everything starts with a mindset, and I learned that from a young age.

I wear my heart on my sleeve. I'm human, and everything doesn't go right all the time.

In order to play your best during a game, you need to 'look good, feel good, play good.'

I have all the respect in the world for the Patriots, and I respect Tom Brady tremendously.

I try to make it less about myself, less about my individual accomplishments and more about the team.

I never want to get caught up in praises. Never want to get caught up in people telling me how good I am.

I'm from the country. All I've even done was use my hands. I guess that's how I've strengthened them over the years.

Fashion has always played a major role in my life and my personal style has transitioned and evolved as years passed.

I understand how hard every guy in this NFL works, especially at the position, especially at the quarterback position.

I became the face of the franchise in Miami, and I don't think they wanted me to be that. The respect was just never there.

I always believe that hard work is something that gets you to where you need to be, and I know in football it's not a one-man game.

I think for me, I personally believe that's what God put me here to do, be an influence, be an inspiration to other people and help.

Despite everything, I love Miami. I love the people. I'm grateful this organization drafted me, and I think people should know that.

One of your best tools is being able to catch the football. But I think you can throw all that out the window when the ball is in the air.

It's a blessing from God just to have all of the opportunities that I've had and being able to come down with as many catches as I've had.

Ultimately, the goal at the end of the day is to win each game, regardless of how it's done, who scores the touchdowns, who catches the passes.

I feel like when you listen to music, it's almost like the same thing over and over, but of course as time goes on, rappers evolve, lyrical play evolves.

My playlist on game day kind of varies. Some days I may be in an R&B mood and that's what pumps me up, and some days it may be country, some days it may be hip-hop or just a Drake album.

I feel like in the NFL, they preach loyalty and family and they have none for you. As a player, you see it's not a family during negotiations, how it becomes them versus me or me versus them. That's part of the NFL I believe the fans don't see.

I've tried to put myself in every position possible to be able to catch the football. Until you challenge yourself at a particular catch, or a particular area of the field to make a particular catch, you would never know if you can make that catch.

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