Every blue-stocking will remain a spinster as long as there are ...

Every blue-stocking will remain a spinster as long as there are sensible men on the earth. [Fr., Toute fille lettree restera fille toute sa vie, quand il n'y aura que des hommes senses sur la terre.]

Sacrifice life to truth.

Posterity is always just.

Finance is a slave's word.

Money is the seed of money.

By doing good we become good.

God made me and broke the mold.

A feeble body weakens the mind.

Innocence is ashamed of nothing.

Childhood is the sleep of reason.

He who blushes is already guilty.

The general will is always right.

A born king is a very rare being.

Living is not breathing but doing.

The truth brings no man a fortune.

Every artists wants to be applauded

I only see clearly what I remember.

Abstract truth is the eye of reason.

Girls must be thwarted early in life.

Anticipation and Hope are born twins.

To live is not breathing it is action.

Reason deceives us; conscience, never.

Our greatest evils flow from ourselves.

Trust your heart rather than your head.

Our greatest evil flows from ourselves.

The passions are the voice of the body.

Smell is the sense of memory and desire.

A person who can break wind is not dead.

Cities are the abyss of the human species.

An honest man nearly always thinks justly.

No one is happy unless he respects himself.

Even knaves may be made good for something.

Supreme happiness consists in self-content.

Rather suffer an injustice than commit one.

Everything degenerates in the hands of man.

I do not know is a phrase which becomes us.

The man who meditates is a depraved animal.

Quit thy childhood, my friend, and wake up!

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

Social man lives constantly outside himself.

Freedom is the power to choose our own chains

Do not judge, and you will never be mistaken.

Base souls have no faith in great individuals.

Remorse sleeps in the atmosphere of prosperity.

Or, rather, let us be more simple and less vain.

One can buy anything with money except morality.

Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.

Inopportune consolations increase a deep sorrow.

I may be no better, but at least I am different.

Men speak from knowledge, women from imagination.

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