I like the look of a windmill.

Neutrality works well in my district.

We have to deal with the nation's debt.

Tourism is our No. 1 industry in South Carolina.

Iran is a nation with American blood on its hands.

I was joking the other day that I'm American UKIP.

We need a Commander-in-Chief, not a Campaigner-in-Chief.

Each child is made in the image of God and has inherent worth.

This notion that manmade climate change is happening is wrong.

Most people are generally satisfied with their representative.

They say 'Ted Cruz can't win.' Really? Have you talked to Ted?

Saddam was a bad guy. Assad's a bad guy. Nobody's denying that.

At least 10 ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the border in Texas.

I have more nuclear physicists living in my district than in any other district.

Like millions of other Americans, I receive health insurance through my employer.

There are a lot of us that want to see limitations on refugee resettlement programs.

Honestly, the egos and the quest and thirst for power is very prevalent in Washington.

Wake up, America. With a porous southern border, we have no idea who's in our country.

We tried two moderate Republican candidates, McCain and Romney, and we lost both times.

Do we want someone as secretary of state that is somehow tainted in this Benghazi issue?

We need a leader who puts the health and well-being of the country ahead of 2016 politics.

Conservatives of Western North Carolina should send Mark Meadows to Congress. We need his help.

In Vietnam, we took a hill and defeated the enemy; then we retreated and let the enemy take over.

Americans are fed up with these mandatory census surveys, and they're asking us to stop the harassment.

Gov. Romney's policies would be a clear departure from the dubious tactics of the Obama administration.

We're giving those benefits away, which we earn as citizens of this nation, of being legalized citizens.

We need to hit pause, and possibly reset, as we think about this whole Syrian refugee resettlement issue.

I think we're taking a snapshot view of climate change and trying to implement policy based on that snapshot.

This isn't about deer hunting. The Second Amendment is about our right to keep and bear arms to defend ourselves.

I can't discuss the possibility of the U.S. involvement in Syria's civil war without also talking about Benghazi.

I thought Trump really exposed himself as a truther, and I don't think that will play real well in South Carolina.

At what point in time can our government fire someone whose gross negligence left four Americans dead in Benghazi?

The American people deserve answers about Benghazi before we move forward with military involvement in Syria's civil war.

I have sympathy for the people in Syria, and I do think there should be a worldwide response, but we should act cautiously.

We don't know what we don't know about Ebola. We think we know it's a virus, but is it mutating? Can it be spread by airborne?

Despite my fierce opposition to the bill, I signed up for insurance through the exchanges and instructed my staff do the same.

The United States did not act in Iraq in 1988 when gas was being used on the Kurds or when gas was used in the Iranian-Iraq War.

I have run across characters in my political career that have that singular focus of being someone, being in a position of power.

Classrooms cannot and should not be coerced into adopting federal academic standards. That's not just my belief; it's federal law.

I just want to encourage you all... to rethink the resettlement of refugees in this country, especially in the numbers I'm hearing.

Members of Congress and their staffs should be the first to feel the negative consequences of poorly written legislation, not the last.

I support American energy production, and it will be produced by companies - Exxon, BP, Shell - and continue to support American energy.

The enemies of freedom are waging an all-out assault on the Second Amendment to the Constitution, which we have sworn to protect and defend.

As an avid hunter, outdoor enthusiast, and life member of the NRA, I understand the importance of protecting the right to keep and bear arms.

It's interesting how the Vatican has gotten so political when ultimately the Vatican ought to be working to lead people to Jesus Christ and salvation.

If the president wanted to fix our broken immigration system, he could start by securing the border and enforcing the laws already passed by Congress.

Mark Meadows will fight for what's right, because he understands that higher taxes and more regulations are not the way to solve our country's problems.

Stealing is stealing. I would hope that a federal employee that engages in theft of trusting travelers would be disciplined more than with just a letter.

The Census Bureau can ask citizens very invasive questions, and if they don't respond, the government shows up at their door and threatens them with a fine.

I haven't been in Washington long, but I have learned that it is a place filled with people who say one thing to get elected and do the opposite once they get there.

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