Monkeys can't talk, stupid!

hope your birthday is hot hot hot

The best person I know is Myself.

fish and visitors stink in 3 days.

that if you don't read nobody does

I`m basically one of the best people I know.

hay he's a great writer and i like him a lot

I'm probably something like 95% chicken nugget

I'm an author whose strength is in gag-writing.

I was an average kid who had his wimpy moments.

I think Diary of a Wimpy kidis sooooo good!!!!!!!

Because it's our choices that makes us who we are.

Youre gonna grow up and marry some ice cream! Haha!

I think goodreads is the best place to look for books

I don't think of cartoons or comics as being for kids.

hot pink looks cute on only janet which is MEEEEEEE!!!

I'm not even the most influential person in my own house.

I take comedy very seriously, and I feel very competitive.

hey guys i would like you to try this book you will love it!

You can't expect everyone to have the same dedication as you.

I realised all the good ideas were taken before I was even born.

I don't know what a guy needs to do to impress a girl these days.

Kids can sniff out a moral. They can feel the heavy hand of an adult.

I've never run into a person who yearns for their middle school days.

Mom is always saying I'm a smart kid, but that I just don't apply myself.

I do all my speeches in pictures. If I wrote words, I'd get locked in on them.

I only work on my books at nights and at weekends. It is really just like a hobby.

Chirag: Rowley, do you think I exist? Rowley: Nope! I can't even hear you or see you!

It's not easy to writing thank-you notes for the stuff you didn't want in the first place.

You and your group of nerds fall into a pit and it's full of dynamite and you blow up. The End.

So I've started wearing sweatpants to bed because I really don't need Santa seeing me in my underwear.

I'll be famous one day, but for now I'm stuck in middle school with a bunch of morons." - Greg Heffley.

But the thing I’m finding out is some people don’t really appreciate it when you’r trying to be helpful.

... no matter how nice you are to some people, they'll turn their back on you the second they get the chance.

Back in those days it was just me swimming around in the dark, doing back flips and taking naps whenever I want.

It seems that when anything aimed at kids catches on, it causes the collective antennae of the older set to go up.

I think if everyone would write down the funny stories from their own childhoods, the world would be a better place.

Greg starts a middle school and asks: Why is "bullies" such a big PROBLEM? And says people need to shave twice a day.

I'm not very charismatic or telegenic. I feel bad for the kids waiting three hours in line for their book to be signed.

So if you want to find somebody to blame for the way i am, I guess you'd have to start with the public education system.

I think the most satisfying part about filmmaking is seeing a production in full bloom. When I write, I write in isolation.

I don't know if this makes me a bad person or whatever, but it's hard for me to get interested in other people's vacations.

The only reason I get out of bed at all on weekends is because eventually I can't stand the taste of my own breath any more.

My advice to authors would be to try to do something original rather than to try to anticipate what the market is looking for.

Well, the problem is, it's not easy for me to think of ways to improve myself, because I'm pretty much one of the best people I know.

The key to any good comic strip or television sitcom is to reset the board at the end of the episode because people like familiarity.

I'm having a seriously hard time getting used to the fact that summer is over and I have to get out of bed every morning to go to school.

When you're used to having electricity and then all of a sudden it's taken away, you're basically just one step from being a wild animal.

He got the crib, so for the first few months of my life I had to sleep in the top dresser drawer, which I'm pretty sure isn't even legal.

I think humor is key [to a successful middle-grade novel]. Kids like to read for entertainment, and the best way to entertain kids is to make them laugh.

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