I was with Robert Preston in 'Sly Fox.'

I came to New York late; I was already past 30

Some people have a mandate that you can't change.

If you see 'Pollock,' I weighed almost 270 pounds.

As my manager says, 'These are wonderful problems.'

You can send a lot of instruction through laughter.

I thought I was gonna do Lear, but I'm gonna do Maura.

'Clocked' means someone sees you for being transgender.

Love New York Presbyterian. I will do anything for them.

I cross-dressed as the judge in 'Hill Street Blues,' you know.

They're my instructors, and every parent will understand that.

The shedding of any clothes, when you're 70 years old, is tricky.

There are secrets in families. That is the definition of a family.

So many people say they went to school on 'The Larry Sanders Show.'

I kind of like not knowing how to do something - it's more exciting.

Lying and art are very allied. But after you lie, you get to the truth.

And I'd watch George C. Scott from backstage. He was one of my mentors.

We are part of the zeitgeist, and we are communicating in a human, real way.

When I got this role, my daughter Molly said, 'Dad, you've come full circle.

I was bar mitzvahed at Beth Shalom, and I had trouble. I didn't quite get it all.

Carlos Castaneda always said, "If you're going to do something, do it impeccably."

In my life, I find that in sobriety, I feel much more. And I have much more depth.

That's just me and my own body issues - I think I'm fat and bald and old and ugly.

The Emmy should be an ensemble award, too. I kept howling at everyone else's performances.

I would not be unhappy were I the last cisgender male to play a female transgender on television.

I learned the biggest lesson just watching Ed McMahon, watching him watch Mr. Carson's monologue.

I think everyone needs to know that I steal biscotti on Delta Airlines. People need to know that.

I love this company. I don't know how it was selected. It's a bunch of machers. They mean business.

Joe Mantello is the uber director. I wrote him a card tonight saying basically, 'Will you adopt me?'

There was one television in the living room, and we all sat around on Sundays and watched Ed Sullivan.

I'm really aging myself, but I grew up with 'Playhouse 90' and the plays on the air - 90 minute plays.

I did not know that you had to learn makeup. I just thought you went, 'Oh, I'm gonna put on some makeup.'

I don't mind if someone yells a motto out of their car at me. 'No touching! No touching!' No harm is done.

My new toy is not knowing, because it's very creative. I'm the guy who likes to get in the car and get lost.

I don't like show business. I don't like the business. I love acting. I love this. I love talking to people.

I grew up in San Fransisco in a very liberal community. My environment was very, very open and very liberal.

When I was a kid, we got up, we walked a number of paces to a television, turned it on, and changed channels.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is part of our constitutional rights and it belongs to everybody.

The brilliance of Jill Soloway is that while some people will give you Season Two, plus 10%, she's just kicked it.

I would daydream about what it would be like to be an actor. I would even do talk shows where I interviewed myself.

There's a wonderful adage in acting that you're stuck with the character, but the character is also stuck with you.

When I did the pilot, Mort was very real to me. When I got through with the ten weeks, Maura is even more real to me.

I lost my moorings. But you know the great thing about acting? It's all part of the gig. You get to put it in your work.

The 'Hey now's' are delivered as people pass me. As I just get near ear range, I hear, 'Hey now!' and that's very funny.

I really loved my dad. I was very, very close to my dad. He - you know, he was very, very nervous about my being an actor.

I've done 'Yo Gabba Gabba!' I've done... oh, it's not called 'Rapunzel' anymore. 'Tangled', that's it. Those are both huge.

I went bald when I was 18. My father cried. He cried about many things. But it allowed me to play older men in summer stock.

Owning a bookstore was right up there with acting in life goals, but other than swaggering around the store, I'm not much use.

I am a huge believer - I always have been - in the power of comedy. That comedy will break hatred and will bring understanding.

I think Maura'is funnier than I am, wittier than I am, more intelligent than I am, and I think she's just floating me at this point.

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