We have to make bureaucracy sexy.

If you dont tolerate any risk, you can never innovate.

If you don't tolerate any risk, you can never innovate.

We're not going to fix government until we fix citizenship.

Cities perform most functions in a very Industrial Age model.

When one neighbor helps another, we strengthen our communities.

We cant do without government, but we do need it to be more effective.

We can't do without government, but we do need it to be more effective.

As a society, we haven't spent as much time building the citizen Internet.

A neighbor is a far better and cheaper alternative to government services.

Government is like a vast ocean and politics is the six-inch layer on top.

Are we just going to be a crowd of voices, or are we going to be a crowd of hands?

Our ability to do great things with data will make a real difference in every aspect of our lives.

[The Internet generation is] not fighting that battle about who gets to speak; they all get to speak.

Right now, if you're a talented developer or designer, government is what you go into if you can't get a better job.

I think there is a big disjuncture between what we are served up as consumers and what we are served up as citizens.

When there are more males in the industry to begin with, it just has a more male feel, and that pushes the girls away.

There is a certain generation who have grown up being able to mash up, to tinker with, every system they've ever encountered.

Government is supposed to be about how we do things together, and we can do that much more together if we use technology smartly right now.

A lot of [bureaucratic] rules were created a long time ago when there were different challenges, and they are now causing negative side effects.

It's really remarkable when you think about what we don't like about government, we, the people created. So if we created it, we can also fix it.

We have this idea of bureaucracy in local government, and it's generally things that we're frustrated at. It doesn't work the way we like it to work.

There is certainly a strong game development community in Texas, centered around Austin, with a significant additional contingency coming over from Dallas.

We say that word [bureaucracy] with such contempt. But it's that contempt that keeps this thing that we own and we pay for as something that's working against us.

In high school, I was sort of friends with the geeks and friends with the socials and everything else and not solidly in one camp. I've always lived on the borders.

You might not think of something like TurboTax as a civic venture, but that product took a confusing interface to a government process and made it simpler and easier to use for citizens.

Now, a lot of people have given up on government. And if youre one of those people, I would ask that you reconsider, because things are changing. Politics is not changing; government is changing.

Now, a lot of people have given up on government. And if you're one of those people, I would ask that you reconsider, because things are changing. Politics is not changing; government is changing.

Government technology processes are mind-boggling long and complicated. A procurement process alone is typically two years, and that doesn't account for the time required to actually build the product.

So few people vote these days, and I think it's partly because they don't feel like the institution really means anything to them. If you want them to vote, give them opportunities to do something else other than vote, to help.

If there's one thing government needs desperately, it's the ability to quickly try something, pivot when necessary, and build complex systems by starting with simple systems that work and evolving from there, not the other way around.

Before I started Code for America, I spent my career around startups. First it was game developers, small teams trying to make hits in a tough business. Then, when I started working on the Web 2.0 events, it was web startups during times of enormous opportunity and investment.

Everything that works on the Internet depends on a lot of people collaborating, but there's also these rules that you see across all the really successful platforms. Many, many, many more people consume the information or benefit from the information than actually contribute the information.

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